QT3 Movie Club 4.0

I will put my pick up either today or tomorrow. Crossing my fingers everyone isn’t horribly disappointed.

Sorry I’m a bit late for this pick. I haven’t even had time to watch the last two picks (I do plan on going back to do that though, both of them I really want to watch).

We’re at movie club pick number 40, holy shit has it been that many? And it will be chosen by baren.

  Movie Club #40 will be chosen by: baren!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
|20.09% |baren              |       |Jun 14, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
|11.48% |Drastic            |18     |May 16, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38                   |
| 9.56% |Soma               |       |May 15, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 9.18% |Christien Murawski |29     |Jun 11, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39                |
| 5.34% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 5.25% |Sören Höglund      |       |Apr 26, 2011 |27,36,37                |
| 3.04% |malkav11           |17,38  |Jun 14, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39          |
| 2.58% |Tman               |23     |Apr 04, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34       |
| 2.58% |ThatDamnDutchGuy   |       |May 14, 2011 |38                      |
| 2.58% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 2.53% |sinnick            |36     |May 02, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37                      |
| 2.34% |Aristophan         |       |May 21, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36          |
| 1.97% |Charlatan          |39     |Jun 01, 2011 |31,32,33,38             |
| 1.64% |madkevin           |11,16  |Apr 07, 2011 |1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13, |
|       |                   |       |             |14,15,18,19,20,21,22,24,|
|       |                   |       |             |29,30,32,34,35,36       |
| 1.41% |snowcrash22        |37     |Apr 20, 2011 |1,2,10,11,13,14,15,17,  |
|       |                   |       |             |18,34,35                |
| 1.36% |Brian Rubin        |       |Apr 07, 2011 |34,36                   |
| 1.31% |Moggraider         |33     |Mar 09, 2011 |2,7,8,15,19,20,22,23,25,|
|       |                   |       |             |26,27,28,29,30,34       |
| 1.03% |rrmorton           |       |Apr 05, 2011 |1,36                    |
| 1.03% |forgeforsaken      |       |Mar 09, 2011 |1,2,3,34                |
| 0.98% |russellmz00        |24     |Mar 20, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34                |
| 0.98% |Universal Leader   |       |Apr 05, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.98% |Toohoo             |       |Apr 07, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.98% |Harkonis           |       |Apr 18, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.94% |Telefrog           |       |Mar 07, 2011 |12,19,34                |
| 0.66% |prolix             |       |Mar 21, 2011 |12,35                   |
| 0.61% |yamo yamo          |       |Mar 08, 2011 |33,34                   |
| 0.61% |mono               |       |Mar 21, 2011 |35                      |
| 0.61% |Jason Townsend     |       |Mar 27, 2011 |35                      |
| 0.56% |Kelly Wand         |21     |Mar 22, 2011 |1,18,32,35              |
| 0.47% |Rimbo              |9,30   |Jul 02, 2010 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,  |
|       |                   |       |             |16,18,20,22,24,25,26,27,|
|       |                   |       |             |28,29,31                |
| 0.42% |Gordon Cameron     |10     |Jan 03, 2011 |8,11,12,16,24,26,32     |
| 0.37% |extarbags          |35     |Mar 21, 2011 |16,32,34                |
| 0.37% |Wallington         |       |Mar 09, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.37% |LionelThompson     |       |Mar 15, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.37% |Jazar              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.37% |Jasper Phillips    |19,34  |Mar 27, 2011 |8,9,13,14,15,17,18,21,  |
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,24,27,30,33       |
| 0.37% |Hunty              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.37% |Houngan            |22     |Apr 05, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34          |
| 0.37% |Erik J.            |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.23% |apost8             |       |Feb 01, 2011 |33                      |
| 0.23% |John Many Jars     |       |Feb 01, 2011 |33                      |
| 0.19% |Wholly Schmidt     |6      |Jan 12, 2011 |1,2,3,5,7,32            |
| 0.19% |Omniscia           |32     |Dec 23, 2010 |12,14,18,19,28,31       |
| 0.14% |newbrof            |       |Jan 11, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.14% |Veefy              |       |Jan 06, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.14% |Marged             |       |Jan 04, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.14% |HighPlainsDrifter  |       |Jan 17, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.14% |Delta              |       |Dec 27, 2010 |32                      |
| 0.09% |Sebmojo            |       |Jul 12, 2010 |7,27                    |
| 0.09% |Hugin              |       |Mar 27, 2011 |1,19                    |
| 0.05% |sinfony            |       |Jul 11, 2010 |27                      |
| 0.05% |Xemu               |       |Aug 06, 2010 |28                      |
| 0.05% |GisforGrenade      |       |Mar 27, 2011 |19                      |
| 0.05% |Athryn             |       |Apr 09, 2011 |9                       |

Folks who haven't participated since June 21, 2010:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty,         
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, BlueJackalope,    
Brendan, Chris, Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet,       
Cormac, corsair, Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean,    
Desslock, Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, EvilIdler, 
frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, graller, GreasyPig, GregB, Hammet,        
Hanacker, Hans Lauring, Hawkeye Fierce, Homunculus, hong, J. Matthew Zoss,   
Janster, jason, Jason Levine, Jeff Fries, JeffL, Jerry Sizzler,              
Joe O'Malley, John Merva, John Sansker, Jon Rowe, JPR, Justin Fletcher,      
Kalle, Kareem, Khelavaster, krayzkrok, krise madsen, Kunikos, KWhit,         
Kyle Wilson, Machfive, Malathor, Marcus, Mark Asher, MattKeil, maxle, metta, 
Mike Cathcart, MikeP, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin, mystery, Nawid A,       
Nellie, nixon66, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach, quatoria, Quitch, Raife,      
Rasputin, rattasak, RedHerb, RickH, Robert Sharp, robsam, Rock8man,          
Ron Dulin, Rywill, Scourge, SergioBAM, shift6, souldaddy, SteveS, Strollen,  
Supersport, SwampIrish, Talisker, Tankero, tedington, Texas Arcane,          
Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn, Tom Chick, triggercut, tromik,                  
Troy S Goodfellow, VegasRobb, Wader, Wallapuctus, Wisbechlad, ydejin, z22

Movie Club #41 will be chosen by: Soma!

  Movie Club #41 will be chosen by: Soma!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
|11.06% |Christien Murawski |29     |Jul 04, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39,40             |
| 8.00% |Drastic            |18     |May 16, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38                   |
| 6.79% |Tman               |23     |Jul 16, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34,40    |
| 6.40% |Soma               |       |May 15, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 5.82% |MikeP              |       |Jul 15, 2011 |2,6,14,23,24,40         |
| 5.24% |baren              |40     |Jul 16, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
| 3.49% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 3.39% |Sören Höglund      |       |Apr 26, 2011 |27,36,37                |
| 3.30% |Universal Leader   |       |Jun 24, 2011 |36,40                   |
| 3.06% |Jason Townsend     |       |Jul 05, 2011 |35,40                   |
| 3.06% |BlueJackalope      |15     |Jun 28, 2011 |1,10,11,12,13,14,21,23, |
|       |                   |       |             |28,40                   |
| 2.72% |Athryn             |       |Jun 27, 2011 |9,40                    |
| 2.67% |malkav11           |17,38  |Jun 14, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39          |
| 2.67% |Rightbug           |       |Jul 07, 2011 |40                      |
| 2.67% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 2.67% |Grifman            |       |Jun 30, 2011 |40                      |
| 2.67% |Djscman            |       |Jun 25, 2011 |40                      |
| 2.67% |Anonymgeist        |       |Jul 04, 2011 |40                      |
| 2.04% |extarbags          |35     |Jun 30, 2011 |16,32,34,40             |
| 1.75% |sinnick            |36     |May 02, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37                      |
| 1.65% |ThatDamnDutchGuy   |       |May 14, 2011 |38                      |
| 1.65% |Aristophan         |       |May 21, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36          |
| 1.26% |Charlatan          |39     |Jun 01, 2011 |31,32,33,38             |
| 1.21% |madkevin           |11,16  |Apr 07, 2011 |1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13, |
|       |                   |       |             |14,15,18,19,20,21,22,24,|
|       |                   |       |             |29,30,32,34,35,36       |
| 1.16% |Moggraider         |33     |Mar 09, 2011 |2,7,8,15,19,20,22,23,25,|
|       |                   |       |             |26,27,28,29,30,34       |
| 1.02% |snowcrash22        |37     |Apr 20, 2011 |1,2,10,11,13,14,15,17,  |
|       |                   |       |             |18,34,35                |
| 0.87% |Brian Rubin        |       |Apr 07, 2011 |34,36                   |
| 0.78% |forgeforsaken      |       |Mar 09, 2011 |1,2,3,34                |
| 0.73% |russellmz00        |24     |Mar 20, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34                |
| 0.68% |rrmorton           |       |Apr 05, 2011 |1,36                    |
| 0.68% |Telefrog           |       |Mar 07, 2011 |12,19,34                |
| 0.63% |Toohoo             |       |Apr 07, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.63% |Harkonis           |       |Apr 18, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.44% |prolix             |       |Mar 21, 2011 |12,35                   |
| 0.39% |yamo yamo          |       |Mar 08, 2011 |33,34                   |
| 0.39% |mono               |       |Mar 21, 2011 |35                      |
| 0.39% |Kelly Wand         |21     |Mar 22, 2011 |1,18,32,35              |
| 0.29% |Houngan            |22     |Apr 05, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34          |
| 0.29% |Gordon Cameron     |10     |Jan 03, 2011 |8,11,12,16,24,26,32     |
| 0.24% |Wallington         |       |Mar 09, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.24% |LionelThompson     |       |Mar 15, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.24% |Jazar              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.24% |Hunty              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.24% |Erik J.            |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.19% |Wholly Schmidt     |6      |Jan 12, 2011 |1,2,3,5,7,32            |
| 0.19% |Omniscia           |32     |Dec 23, 2010 |12,14,18,19,28,31       |
| 0.19% |Jasper Phillips    |19,34  |Mar 27, 2011 |8,9,13,14,15,17,18,21,  |
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,24,27,30,33       |
| 0.15% |apost8             |       |Feb 01, 2011 |33                      |
| 0.15% |John Many Jars     |       |Feb 01, 2011 |33                      |
| 0.10% |newbrof            |       |Jan 11, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.10% |Veefy              |       |Jan 06, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.10% |Marged             |       |Jan 04, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.10% |Hugin              |       |Mar 27, 2011 |1,19                    |
| 0.10% |HighPlainsDrifter  |       |Jan 17, 2011 |32                      |
| 0.10% |Delta              |       |Dec 27, 2010 |32                      |
| 0.05% |Xemu               |       |Aug 06, 2010 |28                      |
| 0.05% |GisforGrenade      |       |Mar 27, 2011 |19                      |

Folks who haven't participated since July 17, 2010:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty,         
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, Brendan, Chris,   
Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet, Cormac, corsair,      
Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean, Desslock,           
Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, EvilIdler,           
frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, graller, GreasyPig, GregB, Hammet,        
Hanacker, Hans Lauring, Hawkeye Fierce, Homunculus, hong, J. Matthew Zoss,   
Janster, jason, Jason Levine, Jeff Fries, JeffL, Jerry Sizzler,              
Joe O'Malley, John Merva, John Sansker, Jon Rowe, JPR, Justin Fletcher,      
Kalle, Kareem, Khelavaster, krayzkrok, krise madsen, Kunikos, KWhit,         
Kyle Wilson, Machfive, Malathor, Marcus, Mark Asher, MattKeil, maxle, metta, 
Mike Cathcart, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin, mystery, Nawid A, Nellie,      
nixon66, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach, quatoria, Quitch, Raife, Rasputin,    
rattasak, RedHerb, RickH, Rimbo, Robert Sharp, robsam, Rock8man, Ron Dulin,  
Rywill, Scourge, Sebmojo, SergioBAM, shift6, sinfony, souldaddy, SteveS,     
Strollen, Supersport, SwampIrish, Talisker, Tankero, tedington,              
Texas Arcane, Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn, Tom Chick, triggercut, tromik,    
Troy S Goodfellow, VegasRobb, Wader, Wallapuctus, Wisbechlad, ydejin, z22

So I haven’t heard from Soma, and I see he hasn’t posted in a few weeks. But I’m leaving for two and a half weeks vacation on Wednesday and I’ll be away from the Movie Selectron 5000™ master control switch, so if Soma doesn’t chime in by tomorrow evening I’m re-running the picker ;).

Since you’re going to be away for a couple of weeks maybe we should just take a bit of a hiatus. Say for a month. The movie club is one of my favorite things about this place, and I really appreciate how you’ve kept it going. But I love it most when folks participate. If it looks like people are vacationing, maybe we should take a break and fire it back up in a couple of weeks.

If other folks want to power through, that’s cool with me too. I always love the chance to see and discuss something new (or not new). Regardless…thanks Nick.



I’m totally cool to wait. Meanwhile, if Soma comes in while I’m gone to pick a new movie, I say go for it, as it would be a shame for him/her to lose a turn anyhow.

I’ll fire up the picker in August :).

The list that sinnick has shared with all of us is good and i will watch some of the movies from there.

Movie Club #42 will be chosen by: Athryn!

  Movie Club #42 will be chosen by: Athryn!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
| 6.33% |Christien Murawski |29     |Jul 04, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39,40             |
| 6.30% |Drastic            |18     |Aug 10, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38,39                |
| 5.58% |Tman               |23     |Jul 30, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34,37,40 |
| 4.82% |Aristophan         |       |Jul 27, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36,41       |
| 4.75% |Brian Rubin        |       |Jul 24, 2011 |34,36,41                |
| 4.32% |MikeP              |       |Jul 15, 2011 |2,6,14,23,24,40         |
| 4.17% |jason              |       |Aug 06, 2011 |25,26,28,41             |
| 3.31% |russellmz00        |24     |Aug 07, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34,41             |
| 3.17% |Jon Rowe           |20     |Jul 26, 2011 |1,11,12,14,16,17,18,19, |
|       |                   |       |             |21,22,24,25,27,41       |
| 2.73% |extarbags          |35     |Aug 01, 2011 |16,32,34,40,41          |
| 2.48% |baren              |40     |Jul 16, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
| 2.27% |Universal Leader   |       |Jun 24, 2011 |36,40                   |
| 2.27% |BlueJackalope      |15     |Jun 28, 2011 |1,10,11,12,13,14,21,23, |
|       |                   |       |             |28,40                   |
| 2.16% |Jason Townsend     |       |Jul 05, 2011 |35,40                   |
| 2.02% |triggercut         |       |Jul 28, 2011 |22,41                   |
| 2.02% |nixon66            |       |Jul 27, 2011 |9,41                    |
| 2.02% |RedHerb            |       |Aug 03, 2011 |31,41                   |
| 2.02% |Athryn             |       |Jun 27, 2011 |9,40                    |
| 1.98% |sluggo             |       |Aug 11, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |lordkosc           |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |dwolfe             |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |Rightbug           |       |Jul 07, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.98% |Relayer71          |       |Jul 30, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |Grifman            |       |Jun 30, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.98% |Djscman            |       |Jun 25, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.98% |Diddums            |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |Brad Grenz         |       |Aug 13, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |Austin Arlitt      |       |Jul 31, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.98% |Anonymgeist        |       |Jul 04, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.87% |Charlatan          |39     |Jul 26, 2011 |31,32,33,38,41          |
| 1.66% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 1.58% |Sören Höglund    |       |Apr 26, 2011 |27,36,37                |
| 1.26% |malkav11           |17,38  |Jun 14, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39          |
| 1.22% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 0.97% |Soma               |41     |Aug 12, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 0.86% |sinnick            |36     |May 02, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37                      |
| 0.76% |ThatDamnDutchGuy   |       |May 14, 2011 |38                      |
| 0.72% |madkevin           |11,16  |Apr 07, 2011 |1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13, |
|       |                   |       |             |14,15,18,19,20,21,22,24,|
|       |                   |       |             |29,30,32,34,35,36       |
| 0.72% |Moggraider         |33     |Mar 09, 2011 |2,7,8,15,19,20,22,23,25,|
|       |                   |       |             |26,27,28,29,30,34       |
| 0.54% |snowcrash22        |37     |Apr 20, 2011 |1,2,10,11,13,14,15,17,  |
|       |                   |       |             |18,34,35                |
| 0.43% |forgeforsaken      |       |Mar 09, 2011 |1,2,3,34                |
| 0.36% |Telefrog           |       |Mar 07, 2011 |12,19,34                |
| 0.32% |rrmorton           |       |Apr 05, 2011 |1,36                    |
| 0.29% |Toohoo             |       |Apr 07, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.29% |Harkonis           |       |Apr 18, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.22% |prolix             |       |Mar 21, 2011 |12,35                   |
| 0.18% |yamo yamo          |       |Mar 08, 2011 |33,34                   |
| 0.18% |mono               |       |Mar 21, 2011 |35                      |
| 0.14% |Kelly Wand         |21     |Mar 22, 2011 |1,18,32,35              |
| 0.14% |Jasper Phillips    |19,34  |Mar 27, 2011 |8,9,13,14,15,17,18,21,  |
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,24,27,30,33       |
| 0.14% |Houngan            |22     |Apr 05, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34          |
| 0.11% |Wallington         |       |Mar 09, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.11% |LionelThompson     |       |Mar 15, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.11% |Jazar              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.11% |Hunty              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.11% |Erik J.            |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.07% |Hugin              |       |Mar 27, 2011 |1,19                    |
| 0.04% |GisforGrenade      |       |Mar 27, 2011 |19                      |

Folks who haven't participated since February 13, 2011:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, apost8, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty, 
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, Brendan, Chris,   
Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet, Cormac, corsair,      
Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean, Delta, Desslock,    
Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, EvilIdler,           
frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, Gordon Cameron, graller, GreasyPig,       
GregB, Hammet, Hanacker, Hans Lauring, Hawkeye Fierce, HighPlainsDrifter,    
Homunculus, hong, J. Matthew Zoss, Janster, Jason Levine, Jeff Fries, JeffL, 
Jerry Sizzler, Joe O'Malley, John Many Jars, John Merva, John Sansker, JPR,  
Justin Fletcher, Kalle, Kareem, Khelavaster, krayzkrok, krise madsen,        
Kunikos, KWhit, Kyle Wilson, Machfive, Malathor, Marcus, Marged, Mark Asher, 
MattKeil, maxle, metta, Mike Cathcart, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin,        
mystery, Nawid A, Nellie, newbrof, Omniscia, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach,   
quatoria, Quitch, Raife, Rasputin, rattasak, RickH, Rimbo, Robert Sharp,     
robsam, Rock8man, Ron Dulin, Rywill, Scourge, Sebmojo, SergioBAM, shift6,    
sinfony, souldaddy, SteveS, Strollen, Supersport, SwampIrish, Talisker,      
Tankero, tedington, Texas Arcane, Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn, Tom Chick,    
tromik, Troy S Goodfellow, Veefy, VegasRobb, Wader, Wallapuctus,             
Wholly Schmidt, Wisbechlad, Xemu, ydejin, z22

Movie Club #43 will be chosen by: Christien Murawski!

  Movie Club #43 will be chosen by: Christien Murawski!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
| 9.46% |Drastic            |18     |Aug 15, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38,39,42             |
| 8.29% |jason              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |25,26,28,41,42          |
| 4.70% |Aristophan         |       |Jul 27, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36,41       |
| 4.55% |Brian Rubin        |       |Jul 24, 2011 |34,36,41                |
| 4.26% |Christien Murawski |29     |Jul 04, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39,40             |
| 4.04% |Tman               |23     |Jul 30, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34,37,40 |
| 3.23% |russellmz00        |24     |Aug 07, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34,41             |
| 3.23% |Jon Rowe           |20     |Jul 26, 2011 |1,11,12,14,16,17,18,19, |
|       |                   |       |             |21,22,24,25,27,41       |
| 2.86% |MikeP              |       |Jul 15, 2011 |2,6,14,23,24,40         |
| 2.27% |extarbags          |35     |Aug 01, 2011 |16,32,34,40,41          |
| 2.20% |Houngan            |22     |Aug 23, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34,42       |
| 2.05% |triggercut         |       |Jul 28, 2011 |22,41                   |
| 2.05% |nixon66            |       |Jul 27, 2011 |9,41                    |
| 2.05% |RedHerb            |       |Aug 03, 2011 |31,41                   |
| 2.02% |sluggo             |       |Aug 11, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |lordkosc           |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |guppy              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |dwolfe             |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |cannedwombat       |       |Aug 16, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.02% |Shieldwolf         |       |Aug 19, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.02% |Relayer71          |       |Jul 30, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |Norfair            |       |Aug 23, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.02% |Diddums            |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |Brad Grenz         |       |Aug 13, 2011 |41                      |
| 2.02% |Austin Arlitt      |       |Jul 31, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.69% |Charlatan          |39     |Jul 26, 2011 |31,32,33,38,41          |
| 1.54% |baren              |40     |Jul 16, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
| 1.54% |BlueJackalope      |15     |Jun 28, 2011 |1,10,11,12,13,14,21,23, |
|       |                   |       |             |28,40                   |
| 1.43% |Universal Leader   |       |Jun 24, 2011 |36,40                   |
| 1.36% |Jason Townsend     |       |Jul 05, 2011 |35,40                   |
| 1.25% |Rightbug           |       |Jul 07, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.25% |Grifman            |       |Jun 30, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.25% |Djscman            |       |Jun 25, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.25% |Anonymgeist        |       |Jul 04, 2011 |40                      |
| 1.10% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 1.03% |Sören Höglund      |       |Apr 26, 2011 |27,36,37                |
| 0.92% |malkav11           |17,38  |Jun 14, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39          |
| 0.77% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 0.73% |Moggraider         |33     |Mar 09, 2011 |2,7,8,15,19,20,22,23,25,|
|       |                   |       |             |26,27,28,29,30,34       |
| 0.66% |Soma               |41     |Aug 14, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 0.55% |sinnick            |36     |May 02, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37                      |
| 0.55% |madkevin           |11,16  |Apr 07, 2011 |1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13, |
|       |                   |       |             |14,15,18,19,20,21,22,24,|
|       |                   |       |             |29,30,32,34,35,36       |
| 0.48% |ThatDamnDutchGuy   |       |May 14, 2011 |38                      |
| 0.44% |snowcrash22        |37     |Apr 20, 2011 |1,2,10,11,13,14,15,17,  |
|       |                   |       |             |18,34,35                |
| 0.40% |Athryn             |42     |Aug 15, 2011 |9,40                    |
| 0.37% |forgeforsaken      |       |Mar 09, 2011 |1,2,3,34                |
| 0.29% |Telefrog           |       |Mar 07, 2011 |12,19,34                |
| 0.22% |rrmorton           |       |Apr 05, 2011 |1,36                    |
| 0.18% |Toohoo             |       |Apr 07, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.18% |Harkonis           |       |Apr 18, 2011 |36                      |
| 0.15% |prolix             |       |Mar 21, 2011 |12,35                   |
| 0.15% |Kelly Wand         |21     |Mar 22, 2011 |1,18,32,35              |
| 0.15% |Jasper Phillips    |19,34  |Mar 27, 2011 |8,9,13,14,15,17,18,21,  |
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,24,27,30,33       |
| 0.11% |yamo yamo          |       |Mar 08, 2011 |33,34                   |
| 0.11% |mono               |       |Mar 21, 2011 |35                      |
| 0.07% |Wallington         |       |Mar 09, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.07% |LionelThompson     |       |Mar 15, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.07% |Jazar              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.07% |Hunty              |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.07% |Hugin              |       |Mar 27, 2011 |1,19                    |
| 0.07% |Erik J.            |       |Mar 08, 2011 |34                      |
| 0.04% |GisforGrenade      |       |Mar 27, 2011 |19                      |

Folks who haven't participated since March 04, 2011:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, apost8, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty, 
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, Brendan, Chris,   
Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet, Cormac, corsair,      
Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean, Delta, Desslock,    
Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, EvilIdler,           
frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, Gordon Cameron, graller, GreasyPig,       
GregB, Hammet, Hanacker, Hans Lauring, Hawkeye Fierce, HighPlainsDrifter,    
Homunculus, hong, J. Matthew Zoss, Janster, Jason Levine, Jeff Fries, JeffL, 
Jerry Sizzler, Joe O'Malley, John Many Jars, John Merva, John Sansker, JPR,  
Justin Fletcher, Kalle, Kareem, Khelavaster, krayzkrok, krise madsen,        
Kunikos, KWhit, Kyle Wilson, Machfive, Malathor, Marcus, Marged, Mark Asher, 
MattKeil, maxle, metta, Mike Cathcart, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin,        
mystery, Nawid A, Nellie, newbrof, Omniscia, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach,   
quatoria, Quitch, Raife, Rasputin, rattasak, RickH, Rimbo, Robert Sharp,     
robsam, Rock8man, Ron Dulin, Rywill, Scourge, Sebmojo, SergioBAM, shift6,    
sinfony, souldaddy, SteveS, Strollen, Supersport, SwampIrish, Talisker,      
Tankero, tedington, Texas Arcane, Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn, Tom Chick,    
tromik, Troy S Goodfellow, Veefy, VegasRobb, Wader, Wallapuctus,             
Wholly Schmidt, Wisbechlad, Xemu, ydejin, z22

Since we don’t have a sticky for the movie club anymore I’ll put a post in here to let folks know I’ve put up a thread for Movie Club #43. I’m sure most of you are aware, this is just in case some missed it.

Thanks, sincerely, to Nick for keeping this running. I love this thing.


Movie Club #44 will be chosen by: Aristophan!

  Movie Club #44 will be chosen by: Aristophan!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
|14.72% |Drastic            |18     |Sep 17, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38,39,42,43          |
|10.84% |MikeP              |       |Sep 12, 2011 |2,6,14,23,24,40,43      |
| 8.21% |jason              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |25,26,28,41,42          |
| 3.66% |Aristophan         |       |Jul 27, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36,41       |
| 3.57% |Tman               |23     |Jul 30, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34,37,40 |
| 3.39% |Brian Rubin        |       |Jul 24, 2011 |34,36,41                |
| 2.94% |sinnick            |36     |Oct 08, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,43                   |
| 2.94% |Charlatan          |39     |Sep 19, 2011 |31,32,33,38,41,43       |
| 2.68% |russellmz00        |24     |Aug 07, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34,41             |
| 2.68% |Jon Rowe           |20     |Jul 26, 2011 |1,11,12,14,16,17,18,19, |
|       |                   |       |             |21,22,24,25,27,41       |
| 2.68% |Houngan            |22     |Aug 23, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34,42       |
| 2.45% |cannedwombat       |       |Aug 16, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.45% |Shieldwolf         |       |Aug 19, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.45% |Norfair            |       |Aug 23, 2011 |42                      |
| 2.23% |malkav11           |17,38  |Oct 08, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39,43       |
| 1.69% |extarbags          |35     |Aug 01, 2011 |16,32,34,40,41          |
| 1.56% |triggercut         |       |Jul 28, 2011 |22,41                   |
| 1.56% |nixon66            |       |Jul 27, 2011 |9,41                    |
| 1.56% |RedHerb            |       |Aug 03, 2011 |31,41                   |
| 1.52% |sluggo             |       |Aug 11, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |lordkosc           |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |guppy              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |dwolfe             |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |Relayer71          |       |Jul 30, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |Diddums            |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |Brad Grenz         |       |Aug 13, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.52% |Austin Arlitt      |       |Jul 31, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.34% |BlueJackalope      |15     |Jun 28, 2011 |1,10,11,12,13,14,21,23, |
|       |                   |       |             |28,40                   |
| 1.20% |baren              |40     |Jul 16, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
| 1.07% |Universal Leader   |       |Jun 24, 2011 |36,40                   |
| 1.07% |Christien Murawski |29,43  |Sep 17, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39,40             |
| 1.03% |Jason Townsend     |       |Jul 05, 2011 |35,40                   |
| 0.94% |Rightbug           |       |Jul 07, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.94% |Grifman            |       |Jun 30, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.94% |Djscman            |       |Jun 25, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.94% |Anonymgeist        |       |Jul 04, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.89% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 0.80% |Sören Höglund      |       |Apr 26, 2011 |27,36,37                |
| 0.58% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 0.54% |snowcrash22        |37     |Apr 20, 2011 |1,2,10,11,13,14,15,17,  |
|       |                   |       |             |18,34,35                |
| 0.54% |Soma               |41     |Aug 14, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 0.36% |ThatDamnDutchGuy   |       |May 14, 2011 |38                      |
| 0.31% |Athryn             |42     |Aug 15, 2011 |9,40                    |
| 0.13% |Harkonis           |       |Apr 18, 2011 |36                      |

Folks who haven't participated since April 11, 2011:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, apost8, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty, 
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, Brendan, Chris,   
Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet, Cormac, corsair,      
Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean, Delta, Desslock,    
Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, Erik J., EvilIdler,  
forgeforsaken, frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, GisforGrenade,             
Gordon Cameron, graller, GreasyPig, GregB, Hammet, Hanacker, Hans Lauring,   
Hawkeye Fierce, HighPlainsDrifter, Homunculus, hong, Hugin, Hunty,           
J. Matthew Zoss, Janster, Jason Levine, Jasper Phillips, Jazar, Jeff Fries,  
JeffL, Jerry Sizzler, Joe O'Malley, John Many Jars, John Merva,              
John Sansker, JPR, Justin Fletcher, Kalle, Kareem, Kelly Wand, Khelavaster,  
krayzkrok, krise madsen, Kunikos, KWhit, Kyle Wilson, LionelThompson,        
Machfive, madkevin, Malathor, Marcus, Marged, Mark Asher, MattKeil, maxle,   
metta, Mike Cathcart, Moggraider, mono, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin,       
mystery, Nawid A, Nellie, newbrof, Omniscia, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach,   
prolix, quatoria, Quitch, Raife, Rasputin, rattasak, RickH, Rimbo,           
Robert Sharp, robsam, Rock8man, Ron Dulin, rrmorton, Rywill, Scourge,        
Sebmojo, SergioBAM, shift6, sinfony, souldaddy, SteveS, Strollen,            
Supersport, SwampIrish, Talisker, Tankero, tedington, Telefrog,              
Texas Arcane, Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn, Tom Chick, Toohoo, tromik,        
Troy S Goodfellow, Veefy, VegasRobb, Wader, Wallapuctus, Wallington,         
Wholly Schmidt, Wisbechlad, Xemu, yamo yamo, ydejin, z22

Looks like Aristophan hasn’t been on QT3 for about a week. I’ve PM’d him.

I’ll give him another few days before picking someone else ;).

Whoops! Working on my pick!

Movie Club #45 will be chosen by: roguefrog!

  Movie Club #45 will be chosen by: roguefrog!
|pct %  |poster             |picked |last active  |participated            |
|20.32% |Drastic            |18     |Oct 22, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,|
|       |                   |       |             |12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,|
|       |                   |       |             |22,23,25,27,28,29,35,36,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,38,39,40,42,43,44    |
|11.07% |MikeP              |       |Sep 12, 2011 |2,6,14,23,24,40,43      |
| 5.86% |jason              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |25,26,28,41,42          |
| 5.86% |Telefrog           |       |Oct 18, 2011 |12,19,34,44             |
| 5.76% |yamo yamo          |       |Nov 11, 2011 |33,34,44                |
| 3.84% |Relayer71          |       |Oct 21, 2011 |41,44                   |
| 3.34% |sinnick            |36     |Oct 08, 2011 |27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,|
|       |                   |       |             |37,43                   |
| 3.29% |Tman               |23     |Jul 30, 2011 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,15, |
|       |                   |       |             |17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,29,30,31,32,34,37,40 |
| 2.83% |Charlatan          |39     |Sep 19, 2011 |31,32,33,38,41,43       |
| 2.43% |Brian Rubin        |       |Jul 24, 2011 |34,36,41                |
| 2.28% |malkav11           |17,38  |Oct 08, 2011 |1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,19,|
|       |                   |       |             |20,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,|
|       |                   |       |             |33,34,35,36,39,43       |
| 2.22% |russellmz00        |24     |Aug 07, 2011 |1,5,7,10,12,13,14,17,23,|
|       |                   |       |             |27,32,34,41             |
| 2.22% |Jon Rowe           |20     |Jul 26, 2011 |1,11,12,14,16,17,18,19, |
|       |                   |       |             |21,22,24,25,27,41       |
| 1.97% |Houngan            |22     |Aug 23, 2011 |2,8,9,11,16,34,42       |
| 1.72% |cannedwombat       |       |Aug 16, 2011 |42                      |
| 1.72% |Shieldwolf         |       |Aug 19, 2011 |42                      |
| 1.72% |Norfair            |       |Aug 23, 2011 |42                      |
| 1.21% |extarbags          |35     |Aug 01, 2011 |16,32,34,40,41          |
| 1.11% |triggercut         |       |Jul 28, 2011 |22,41                   |
| 1.11% |nixon66            |       |Jul 27, 2011 |9,41                    |
| 1.11% |RedHerb            |       |Aug 03, 2011 |31,41                   |
| 1.06% |sluggo             |       |Aug 11, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |lordkosc           |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |guppy              |       |Aug 15, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |dwolfe             |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |Diddums            |       |Jul 28, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |Brad Grenz         |       |Aug 13, 2011 |41                      |
| 1.06% |BlueJackalope      |15     |Jun 28, 2011 |1,10,11,12,13,14,21,23, |
|       |                   |       |             |28,40                   |
| 1.06% |Austin Arlitt      |       |Jul 31, 2011 |41                      |
| 0.91% |baren              |40     |Jul 16, 2011 |29,30,31,34,36,38,39    |
| 0.91% |Aristophan         |44     |Oct 19, 2011 |11,16,18,19,36,41       |
| 0.81% |Christien Murawski |29,43  |Sep 17, 2011 |14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,|
|       |                   |       |             |23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,|
|       |                   |       |             |36,38,39,40             |
| 0.76% |Universal Leader   |       |Jun 24, 2011 |36,40                   |
| 0.71% |roguefrog          |       |Jun 11, 2011 |3,6,38                  |
| 0.71% |Jason Townsend     |       |Jul 05, 2011 |35,40                   |
| 0.66% |Rightbug           |       |Jul 07, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.66% |Grifman            |       |Jun 30, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.66% |Djscman            |       |Jun 25, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.66% |Anonymgeist        |       |Jul 04, 2011 |40                      |
| 0.46% |Soma               |41     |Aug 14, 2011 |24,27,28,29,30,34,38    |
| 0.40% |HumanTon           |       |Jun 05, 2011 |39                      |
| 0.20% |Athryn             |42     |Aug 15, 2011 |9,40                    |

Folks who haven't participated since May 15, 2011:
Acoustic Rob, ahoythematey, Alan Au, AlanT, Albert Woo, Anaxagoras,          
Andrew Mayer, antifood, apost8, arakyd, Arioch, ArrowOfFortune, awdougherty, 
Bahimiron, Ben Sones, BennyProfane, Bill, Bill Dungsroman, Brendan, Chris,   
Chris Nahr, Chuck, CLWheeljack, Coca Cola Zero, copet, Cormac, corsair,      
Damien Neil, dashingly, Dave Long, Dave47, davida, Dean, Delta, Desslock,    
Donald L., DoomMunky, drake113, Enidigm, Equis, Eric P, Erik J., EvilIdler,  
forgeforsaken, frank austin, Funkman, Gabe Lewis, GisforGrenade,             
Gordon Cameron, graller, GreasyPig, GregB, Hammet, Hanacker, Hans Lauring,   
Harkonis, Hawkeye Fierce, HighPlainsDrifter, Homunculus, hong, Hugin, Hunty, 
J. Matthew Zoss, Janster, Jason Levine, Jasper Phillips, Jazar, Jeff Fries,  
JeffL, Jerry Sizzler, Joe O'Malley, John Many Jars, John Merva,              
John Sansker, JPR, Justin Fletcher, Kalle, Kareem, Kelly Wand, Khelavaster,  
krayzkrok, krise madsen, Kunikos, KWhit, Kyle Wilson, LionelThompson,        
Machfive, madkevin, Malathor, Marcus, Marged, Mark Asher, MattKeil, maxle,   
metta, Mike Cathcart, Moggraider, mono, Moore, Mordrak, mrbloo, Munin,       
mystery, Nawid A, Nellie, newbrof, Omniscia, Pogue Mahone, Preachy Preach,   
prolix, quatoria, Quitch, Raife, Rasputin, rattasak, RickH, Rimbo,           
Robert Sharp, robsam, Rock8man, Ron Dulin, rrmorton, Rywill, Scourge,        
Sebmojo, SergioBAM, shift6, sinfony, snowcrash22, souldaddy, SteveS,         
Strollen, Supersport, SwampIrish, Sören Höglund, Talisker, Tankero,        
tedington, Texas Arcane, ThatDamnDutchGuy, Tim James, TimElhajj, tiohn,      
Tom Chick, Toohoo, tromik, Troy S Goodfellow, Veefy, VegasRobb, Wader,       
Wallapuctus, Wallington, Wholly Schmidt, Wisbechlad, Xemu, ydejin, z22

Ohhhh snap! I’ll try and post something sometime today.


I promise to actually watch and comment on my selection before the year’s out! I got way too busy last year.