Qt3 Server Status and Performance

You are the best at restoring backups!

You guys got the short version, the site was still broken for some reason after restoring, and I had to check nginx and ruby logs, fix a file with bad permissions inside the docker tainer… weird shit.

Also for anyone interested, we have the URLs checked from various spots geographically and you can view that too, to see if Qt3 is down or if it’s just you.

Can we not do incremental backups and restores?

The idea of losing data is completely alien to me.

Oh thank goodness it’s back. I was getting the shakes.

Thanks for all the hard work keeping this place up and running, @stusser! We appreciate you.

In theory I could setup DB replication from the old host to the new one and then do a quick cutover. But in reality I don’t know postgreSQL well enough to feel comfortable doing that. When we originally decided to move to discourse that was my main objection, that I couldn’t support it myself, but since we had wumpus it seemed like that was going to be OK. Shrug.

To be clear when I said “all posts will be lost post-cutover” I was referring only to posts being made during that time period, however many hours it takes. Your older posts will still be there.

I do feel comfortable with that sort of thing. If you ever want some help, feel free to reach out. That’s a general statement, not a complaint about your upgrade plan. Thanks for all you do!

I was honestly worried that something really bad had happened. Like a fire or something. So glad that I was wrong. Thanks for your hard work @stusser.

Thanks for all your work on the forum @stusser

Yay we’re back. Panic averted. Thank you engineering!


I dunno, but I finally loaded this post 14 years late!

Well, we could give it a shot. But we’d need to replicate from pg12 to 13, both running in docker containers. I would test a straight restore first, if it only takes an hour that would be nbd. Anyway would be after 22.04 LTS releases. We need to get both the frontpage and forums upgraded from 18.04.

@stusser, yet again, is starring as:

I love the phrase “sine qua non”, but I don’t get to use it enough because it reveals me as an insufferable snoot for having taken Latin in high school and having retained just enough to use “sine qua non” in a sentence.

But in times like this, I’m happy to say @stusser is the sine qua non of the Qt3 forums.


Ave, stusser! Ave, stusser! Nos omnes!

Wait… Tom dislikes games with the Ancient Roman time period, but knows Latin?

A novel by an earnest tiddie man snort

Most importantly, is Tully the Tapir ok?

Cheers to @stusser. Now may I suggest drilling holes in the forum software to speed it up? It is a known fact that holes make things go faster in everything. I recently bought a 10111 sonic screwdriver, I can lend it to you for a bit.

I feel like there was a missed opportunity to bring the forum back but only with the April Fools theme.

Lost in a corrupted backup, etc. I’m sorry, I just don’t know how to restore it, etc.