Qt3's Xbox Live gamertags, PSN names, Wii friends codes, Battlenet names!

Ha! works for me.

Just sent out some Nintendo requests. Glad they finally got a tag system.

FYI, you left the “Von” out of the middle of your Nintendo nick. (I edited it in)

I really just do that with everyone. I find it a lot easier to remember the context from which I know people via real name than the selected handles.

Fine with me, my handle is just an abbreviation of my real name anyway. It’s just so unusual. :)

The real name requests on the PS4 are kind of weird, but I welcome them. I could never keep straight who was who on Xbox Live. Which one of you is Captain Donut? Who’s Livin’ It Up In Phoenix? What kind of name is dingusx? So befuddling.

Chaplin and merry, those must have been Wii friends requests. I haven’t done anything on my Wii that requires looking at whatever corner of the system has friends requests in, gosh, probably years. The Wii U, on the other hand, has a much friendlier and accessible friends system. Send me a request at “tomchick” and I’ll promptly accept it. Or drop your names in the spreadsheet and I’ll make sure to add you next time I sit down with it.


EDIT: Just got merry’s Wii U request!

Joined, thanks! Although now I have to stay up until 2:45.

Tom, perhaps you could edit the op in this thread and the forum rules sticky as well, to add links to the new db?

It’s too bad real names aren’t an option for all friends list. It really is tough to remember who’s who when a person has multiple handles. For me, Mysterio is always taken, LivinItUp (my handle for the original Xbox) is often taken, and LivinItUpInPhx (although not currently geographically accurate!) is never taken.

Hey, what the heck. I added a Real Name column to the database. Optional, natch.

Qt3 2014 Gamertag Database

I added my info, all friend requests welcome!

With all the interest in board gaming around here, we need a Board Game Geek column in that sheet. :-)

I also added my info, need to fill up a friend list? Send me an invite.

Could some of you guys who claim to have a PSN account occasionally turn on your PS4 and accept (or reject) friend requests, please? Or are you all still on PS3 and that’s why I can’t reach you?

I’ll admit I’m almost never on the PS4 My kids use it for a couple of games, and netflix. I just loaded up the mobile PSN app and accepted a few requests.
One of these days, I’ll actually pick up Pinball FX2 on there and gaze horrified at the high scores.

Well, I now also have a PS Vita since Tom Chick’s Zen Pinball overview forced me at gunpoint to buy one. (And sure enough, he’s playing Zen Pinball 2 on his Vita right now!) I’m using the same PSN account and see the same friends on the Vita, now let’s see if any of those five laggards who have yet to respond perhaps see my request on their Vita – if they have one. I’m definitely not buying another PS3, though. :p

Whoops, thanks!

Brakara, galadin1, Mysterio… do you even have PSN accounts, bros? “Waiting for friend response” for like a week, geez…

Re-posting link for new arrivals:

QT3 2014 Gamertag Database

Is the friend thing on Wii U my ‘Nintendo Network ID’? If so, I am ‘mightyspoiler’. I like Mario Kart, and just got some Zen Pinball 2 tables, so if you want to feel smug about your pinball skills, feel free to add me.

Well, added myself to the qt3 database. I should be razgon on ps4 as well

Just added myself as well. Most active on Xbox One at the moment (catching up in Titanfall mostly, but want to do Madden when it comes out).

— Alan