Quake Enhanced from Machine Games and Nightdive

Oh come on. Did you play through Half Life 2 with achievements? It made me appreciate it quite differently than the first playthrough. Like going through Ravenholm without using guns (only the gravity gun). Or transporting that gnome in Episode 2. There can be lots of clever ways achievements can enhance a game.

On the other hand, the achievements they added to Doom and Doom 2 were shit. So I wouldn’t get my hopes up about Quake achievements being clever or giving you interesting new ways of playing the game.

Not to blaspheme, but the original DOOM and Quake are pretty shitty singleplayer games. They get old fast. Fantastic in deathmatch, of course.

Half-Life is a very different story there.

All I know is I just joined a game with some console fools trying to take on 3 PC players. It was a massacre.

Good times.

All I remember about the Quake campaign is beating the final boss and having no idea how I actually accomplished that.

Looking at the achievement list, yeah, it’s pretty disappointing.

But there is a couple of achievements that are a bit different. Not much though.

Slipgate pacifist!

Slipgate Pacifist sounds kind of fun actually. I’m a sucker for those kinds of achievements.

Hahaha. Physical editions coming.

So is Nightdive Studio’s KEX engine better than vkQuake or QuakeSpasm?

Whaddaya know. I have Quake on Steam. Updating now.

$175 for a 25 year old game, what a deal.

And they absolutely should IMO. Os vary greatly. :)

At least you get a few physical tchotchkes. The $80 version just comes with a keychain and a coin!

A gold coin?

I think I feel the same way about “collector’s coins” that Dave feels about adding cheevos.

I appreciate that you can use the mouse in menus.

Color lightning, dof, ssao, aa, model interpolation, updated models (they look ‘old’ but in reality they are twice as complex), etc.

+music (the original Steam release missed it)

+Quake 64 as addon

+2 official expansions

+2 expansions done by MachineGames

Did GLQuake really not have AA?

Anyway all that stuff was available in source ports I’m sure. Other than the new expansion this seems extremely low effort. But certainly worthwhile to get it on consoles.

Did AA even existed on 1996? Dunno. I can’t remember!

In any case, a model comparison:


Oh snap! They added The Edge, the remake of the DM level from Quake II!

Also bots are integrated in this release!

Anybody know if they include an updated level editor with this?