Quakebells - a Qt3 Dwarf Fortress AAR

Just went and downloaded the new Mike Mayday set, copied over my screen settings and enable the FPS counter and it’s almost exactly the same on our newest Quakebells save. In fact on my system it might even be a little slower by 3-4 fps which could just be some noise.

Edit: Average fps was 34-35 on the new set about 37-38 on my old one.

If only someone would come out with a version of this with a tutorial, and good (pref isometric) graphics, and all that rot. I don’t even know what I’m looking at on these screens, but the stories are neat.

LEGO even came out with a Dwarf Fortress-like set:

There are semi-complete isometric tilesets out there, I don’t think they’re complete though. As far as a tutorial I doubt it would be possible to make something much better than what Calistas has produced.

Also newish Dwarfmanager v0.7.1


Lego Dwarf Fortress? That’s the next obvious franchise now that Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Batman have all been done…

^ don’t forget Rockband as well ;)

Thanks for the versions heads up! I will try later.

Well, the engineering work for the pumps is almost complete. Every level has three pumps Andi also have a switch to turn the top ones off if a flood is iminent. After trying a bit of digging it seems that draining will be the only way we can get to the bauxite.

I have channeled out to the edge ofthe map, along the brook bed, not sure this will take the water away, but it’s worth a shot.

Sweet! That’s usefull.

Do aquifers rise from the floor or does the water only come out of the walls? Because as far as I know it’s impossible to drain an aquifer but it is possible to channel down from an open area above and then setup pumps to keep the water level down. You might need to construct something like that verticle shaft in the mining pit to provide access though - because the walls might have to be lined with pumps.

Early Autumn

Oops, Alan Au has been badly injured in a two-storey fall into water. I was tidying up some oddly laid floors when he pulled a tile out from under himself, or something. Never mind! He’ll get better in a few years I’m sure! Lots of brown organs and body parts never kept me down!

Got lots of dwarfs without names, by the way.

I have started to work on moving magma-type production close to the center. It’s way way too far out over in the diamond. I’m thinking I’ll turn it into a mausoleum =)

Name one Justin Timberlake And one Britney Spears, and one Jessica Simpson

^ Done!

Are these the tutorials everyone keeps recommending?

Late Autumn

We’ve had 8 immigrants arrive. One of whom is looking particularly worthy of the sun god. Meanwhile, the pumps are running, but the water in the floors below is hardly dropping. I blame a very wet aquifer? In other news the forge move has gone well and our new multi-storey approach to living is giving us lots of room for workshops and stockpiles. The giant grave thingy is going well too!

(Talorc: Yes)

Later Autumn

Jeez, what’s that? Angie Gallant has given birth again! It’s a boy! It needs a name :) …DocVego is her eldest son, Baby Gallant and Rose Gallant are another two, son and daughter, and now a baby boy!


It’s time, time for the falling and the dying and the sacrifices! Hurrah!

The military is called to attention at the Tower of Falling. The sacrificial lamb is sent to the top of the tower…

The switch is thrown… and we wait. And the message comes through!

And there we go! The yearly sacrifice works! The military bow. But what’s that? Where’s Quatoria?.. turns out a patrol route wasn’t cleared because he’s off patrolling…

Yes… off patrolling, and being ambushed!

Here’s the before…

And the after…

'Nuff said!

…doh! Mere minutes later Abiding Dude is struck down by Goblins in the south! Time to send in the boys!

Chet and Failed Sacrifice fill them full of bolts. Or lead. Or whatever. And our door cows help too! Sweet!

On his way back from up north Quatoria walks past a Goblin fleeing from Chet. It’s dead in an instant and Quatoria keeps on going, chasing down the southern fleeing Goblins. They are also being chased by a phenomenal hail of bolts. Chet and team have been practicing!

…someone is apparently trying to single-handedly repopulate the fortress.

She reminds me of Cmdr. Vimes’ wife in Discworld. :)

Late Winter

Ooh! Exciting! A new artifact “Thidaslilar, The Frilly Pattern”, an Andesite Table. It’s adorned with the usual spikes, leather, bone and stone. Very exciting. It will go in the dining room.