Quantum Break - Remedy, time-slips, and a TV soap opera

I’ve been missing out!

I gave this game a try now that’s it’s on gamepass. I’ve just completed Act 1 and it’s been a blast.

The time manipulation mechanics are great fun to use (and on short cool downs too). The branching storyline and the peek into the future before you make a choice drew me in.

And I love the chunky live action episode influenced by your in game choices at the end of the act. Having Littlefinger and Captain Daniels in there doesn’t hurt my enjoyment one bit.

If, like me, you hadn’t played the game before and have got game pass, you have to give it a try.

Yeah, I installed this (took a while, big game!) going to give it a shot soon. I’ve been following a great little Let’s Play over at Something Awful, this looks like fun.

You’ve been watching a Let’s Play of the game in anticipation of playing it? Curious. Are you looking for tips on achievements or something?

I just installed it last week myself. If I hadn’t gotten waylaid by the wonderful Skyforce Reloaded, I’d have tried it by now.

No, I watch because I’m curious about the game and wonder how it plays, what kind of weapon and power options exist, what the story looks like, on and on. I understand the average spoilerphobe would likely be aghast at such a choice, but since so many games lack demos nowadays you have to work with what you have.

Ah I see, you must have been watching the Let’s Play before you had access to the game on Game Pass, in lieu of a demo. That makes sense.

Yeah, it’s been going on for a few months. I only installed the game over the weekend (like I said, big game).

If I were sure I wanted to try the game (especially for free on gamepass), I’d avoid let’s plays as it’s storyline heavy. I’d want to discover what’s going on with Monarch and the time fractures by myself.

But it totally makes sense in the context of checking it out before it was made available. I think if I had, I probably would have been tempted to get it on sale earlier. It’s really quite a bit of fun.

Finally gonna play this thing. I can barely tolerate cut-scenes on a good day, but I wanted to play a single-player shooter and not some junk designed around online co-op ffs, so here I am.

I finally managed to push through the excruciating first hour when I was greeted with…

Sigh. I guess it’s for the best since I’d probably hate it anyway, too bad I’ll probably have no idea what’s going on.

For what it’s worth, the action and gunplay are yucky so I might just reinstall DOOM. DOOM Eternal and Rage 2 can’t come soon enough.

Huh, that is annoying. I really ended up loving quantum break, it is one of the best time travel stories in the medium. I suppose you can try to download the episodes. To be honest the TV stuff was not as essential, but I still kinda liked it even if it focused on secondary characters for the most part.

Yea, I’ll download when the files are available, Xbox Live seems to be having an issue at the moment. I do live time travel stories, and I’d prefer not to move ahead without knowing the story.

In the meantime I’ll be playing Super Mario Odyssey and Northgard.

To each their own. I found the story and the choices you are presented with entertaining and interesting. As has been mentioned, you can predownload the episodes once Live is less flaky and I think it’s worth it.

As for the gunplay, it’s only one side of the equation. As the game continues, you get more and better time manipulation powers and a lot of the fun for me came from mixing up those powers to kill the bad guys.

It might not be for you, but it’s not the bad game you seem predisposed to see.

Replaying this before Control but it seems MS just took off the video streaming servers for the long videos between gameplay chapters. I bought the game twice to see DX12/11 differences so the Steam version videos are still working for some reason.

I had to download the videos on Xbox when I replayed after Control, a couple of months ago. - as you say, the streams are no longer available.

BTW, I recommend you play Control before this. There are some…easter eggs in Quantum Break that will be a lot more apparent if you play them in that order. There are no real dependencies between the two games other than that.

Fin(n)ished this. Really good story let down by the simplistic, repetitive gameplay. Also weirdly unnatural seeing an alternate world with Windows Phone Lumia phones and Surface tablets as the dominant gadget with the prominent product placement by Microsoft who bankrolled the whole affair. Too bad there won’t ever be a sequel due to it underperforming. Also only just realized now that the Control actress plays a secondary character in Quantum Break.

So yeah, ‘soon’ turned out to be … this week. Hey, what’s a couple years between friends right? Anyway, I just wrapped up the third chapter and I’m really enjoying this. I installed all the little movies or episodes or whatever and it’s kind of fun to see how they weave a story together with the game. This is some weird branch of gameplay that I guess never took off, maybe part of the Xbox One’s original plan to be a big multimedia box or something. Anyway, curious to see how it all ends up, apparently I have only two chapters to go. Pretty quick experience, seems like.

OK, I wrapped up the game and figured I could at least put a few closing thoughts in on this one. Overall, I really dug this game. Way better than I expected - I was thinking the whole episodic TV show thing would be gimmicky but it wove into the main story of the game well, showing what some peripheral characters were doing while the main action was going on, and giving some character growth as well. I liked the way Charlie worked his way from weaselly computer expert to gain a kind of heroism at the end. And Liam going from company man to distrustful renegade back to loyal henchman was interesting to watch.

As for the game itself, I kind of appreciated that it actually had somewhat limited combat. It played almost like an adventure game occasionally punctuated with gunplay. The mix was pretty decent too, until as one would expect, it pretty much devolved into nearly constant pew-pew at the end. And holy crap, that final boss fight was a chore, did not enjoy that a bit. I partly brought it on myself, because all the info I found said the combat was super easy on even the highest difficulty, but the final boss was a drag. And I can back that up, you’ve got so many weapons and powers that you can take down just about any enemy with ease. Yeah, I died a few times because there are a few times you can get yourself surrounded pretty easily, but then you can easily dash back out if you’re staying away and at times I was not.

It was kind of interesting the way they set themselves up for a sequel that I guess is never happening. But that’s ok too, it works just fine on its own. I wanted to clear this one before I even considered buying Control, and now that hurdle is cleared. Maybe in the near future I can check that one out too.

Oooh ,I have to go back and play this, as I loved Control, but felt there was a bit too much combat.

I was afraid of that. Control looks interesting but if it’s just nonstop combat I don’t know if it will grab me.

I felt like Control was 90% combat, lol. Anyone else think so?

Just finished.

Quantum break is a weird hybrid game. Combat is sometimes 40/60, sometimes 60/40. You have a short scene as Paul every chapter where you make a macro story choice followed by a TV episode.

I suppose I didn’t like finding the skill upgrades, which are invisible until you get close enough to use your time vision powers, and then only then they appear as just a bright light source.

The final fight was annoying and I died several times but in retrospect it is just two waves of dudes + dodge massive AOE blasts. I just played defensive and cleared it.