Rage 2 - Bethesda and Avalanche witness me

Why does the in-game menu/log lag so much?

Why is there a cosmetics shop in a completely single player game?

So you can look stylin’ while streaming to your friends.

I’m having fun with it. The graphics don’t look great (settings on Ultra), like the textures are low res or something. But performance is great and I’m having fun.

I started on Nightmare and so far the combat is challenging but not unfair. I’ll keep it here as long as I’m having fun with it. I’ve definitely died several times, but that gives me some incentive to try to get all these upgrades.

So uh, Bethesda still seeking for those new lows?

From steam reviews:

Bethesda withheld the information that the game uses Denuvo Anti-Tamper until 24 hours before release. Bethesda also withheld the information that both the pre-order content and Deluxe Edition content require a 3rd-party Bethesda.net account until 24 hours before release on the game’s Steam page. Because the main game can be played without a Bethesda account but the DLC content cannot, this in effect holds paid for content hostage until you create a Bethesda.net account. Bethesda’s own website does not mention the need for a Bethesda account on their own support page on System requirements (as of 1:40 AM Central Time May 14th 2019, 3.7 hours after release. Withholding this information which would have impacted pre-order sales until right before release should be considered a form of fraud/false advertising. Both measures would have taken more than a day to add to the game’s code and Bethesda would have known about it for a substantial amount of time before release. The only reason to have withheld this info would be to prevent the inclusion of these requirements from affecting pre-orders. This is greedy and unethical corporate behavior.

No wonder companies don’t like customers being able to review things!

I really don’t care about either of those things.

Maybe Denuvo if it hits my framerates, but the game is buttery smooth for me on my admittedly fairly high-end GPU.

You don’t care about companies behaving in shady, clearly unethical ways? Even if they do not directly affect you? Huh.

The shooting and movement is good, but it’s definitely not as good as Doom 2016. It’s kind of floaty and feels imprecise. I think the fully open world kind of hurts the combat because instead of discrete encounter spaces, you can just run in and out of open areas (gas stations, bandit bases, etc) like a madman and confuse the enemies.

Travelling the open world is strangely peaceful and bland. I think I’ve been attacked once while on the open road. Bad guys usually just zip by on their way to whatever and pay me no mind.

Third time I’ve seen this mentioned online, what difficulty setting if I may ask?

I’m on Hard.

Not at all, I don’t agree it’s shady or unethical. Oh no, you need a Bethesda account to play their game, oh woe is me.

If there was any evidence they deliberately withheld that information to trick people into preordering, that would be different. But, c’mon. That seems unlikely.

They literaly withheld that information until last day before release though. Why would they do that other than to not discourage preorders? Even Ubisoft with their uplay linkage always made clear that uplay is needed even on steam, as far as I am aware.

Intesting sentence

Some of what’s wrong in Rage 2 feels like compromised implementation of fundamentally good ideas, but I think its fatal flaw is that it’s a game obsessed with feeling fun rather than trusting any of its ideas to be fun.

He makes it sound like a bit of a chore. I will happily wait for the full version and some discounts, but I do want to play it eventually. Maybe they will patch it a lot to improve some of that stuff.

I don’t assume malice when it’s more likely just a mistake.

Played a bit of RAGE2 this morning, the tutorial was fine. Guns and movement feels good.

Can anyone confirm if there are viewpoints to sync? Sorta like the hot air balloons in Mad Max.

Very charitable. I would agree if we were talking about, say, CDP or Larian (though we never would because they wouldn’t pull Denuovo etc in the first place) but with Zenimax? Malice all the way.

Which was one of the reasons not for pre-ordering as I was assuming Bethesda would pull a stunt like that, considering they’ve used that shit in the past already.

Luckily your heroes at Steam will let you refund!

I don’t believe so. I haven’t found any yet and am several hours in.

I’m no Bethesda/Zenimax fanboy, but I find it totally believable that they were incompetent enough to not realize they hadn’t publicized the info about the DLC until right before launch.

Of course, I also find it just as easy to believe they did it on purpose. But as I have zero evidence one way or the other, I just fall back on my mantra, “never ascribe to conspiracy what you can blame on incompetence.”

Well, they also did this, which seems like a possible ploy to manipulate meta ratings:

I’m told that early code for Rage 2 was PC only, and the decision was made to give the limited amount at hand to PC-dedicated sites.

Many of the sites that have published reviews are cross-platform so that’s obviously untrue (unless they all did reviews on the same day as getting the game codes). Not to mention, generated codes aren’t really in limited supply.

Someone seems to be lying there, and I doubt it’s EG… :)

Bethesda has been weird with review copies and embargos for a long-ass time. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything; remember they didn’t give out DOOM 2016 review copies to a lot of sites.