Railway Empire - Railroad Tycoon from Kalypso

Then I really have no idea why my trains were stopped. Oh well, will read the guide, thanks.

Edit: your link above is broken, can you post of the name of it please?

Supply towers act as signals too so you have to be careful about placing them or you might not leave enough room between them and other signals for a full train to fit.

As I understand it, trains will always take the shortest route. So if your train took a route that already had another train on it, your train would wait for the track to clear (except on Easy mode when trains pass through one another).

I hope that helps explain why your trains stopped.

You can use signals with the block icon on them to make sure trains always stay to the right, or left I suppose if you live in a country so inclined to drive on the wrong side of the road. :P

How does the game handle industry? In Transport Fever all resources and factories are fixed and you could end up with 4 iron ore mines on one side of the map and the factories that use the ore is on the other side of the map. Then you have to ship the intermediate product back across the map to get a final product, which then gets shipped to the cities for use. I don’t mind the raw materials being fixed, but I would like the ability to create the factories that use them in a town/city near it.

Resources seem fixed at their locations, I haven’t seen any new ones spring up, on occasion one my be offered for sale to the train owners via auction.

Cities on the other hand have 1 default industry, with 3 additional slots, 2 of which are for industry and 1 for a landmark (church/university/monument). These unlock depending on city level ( which depends on population ). And you can build one at these unlocked locations if you have enough cash.

I bought the game and made it through the first campaign mission, but I am still struggling with the track UI. Is there an easy way to put in double track between two stations that also each have two tracks? I am spending more time trying to do that than thinking about what I’m doing.

I thought it was just me being dense on track laying/signals so I watched a couple of let’s plays today. Even people who obviously had a few hours of playtime were getting flustered with it. There just doesn’t seem to be enough options for laying track. I would say I hope the final release is a bit better in that regard, but seeing how that is next week, I doubt it.

Pause stopped working in my last quick game as well. Very annoying. This is a must pause game for me, too much going on.

Yes after you connect one of the lines. Simply click on the remaining ending point on Station A and the same on Station B. It should give you a duplicate off your first line. You’ll even get a modest discount on laying parallel track…

They do need an automated signal laying command. I believe its on their bucket list.

I think I’m going to take a break from the game until the final version is out.

Thanks! I’d seen the double track icon pop up a few times but I hadn’t been able to get it to work. Knowing that it is indeed supposed to motivated me to go and try more. I’m still not doing it right, as it took many tries and some minutes to double track Baltimore to D.C. at the start of campaign 2, but at least I finally did get it double tracked.
Good to hear that improvements in signal laying may be coming, its boring to have to manually repeat the same steps every time. Same comment applies to cross overs, I’d like a “double crossover here please” command.

I occasionally see a screen where you can set the number of cars on each leg of a route, but I don’t know how to get to it when I want to-how does one do that?

When you first create the new line you can mouse over the names of the cities in the upper left of the screen. That will bring up an icon that looks like a train manifest with a pencil and you click on that to set the number of cars.

Last update before the game launches is available now.

When you first create the new line you can mouse over the names of the cities in the upper left of the screen. That will bring up an icon that looks like a train manifest with a pencil and you click on that to set the number of cars.

Thanks, and thanks for the headsup about the update!

Are patch notes available ?

DERP , should have checked STEAM before I asked…

Derping is bad for you, dude.

Mushinky is so much better than this game. I bought this game twice and refunded it twice. It’s certainly no RRT3.

What’s “Mushinky”? Never heard of it before…

Wow that’s quite a statement. So how playable is mushinsky right now and is it comparable to RRT3 or is it just way too different since it has a bit of a boardgame instinct to it?

Is it possible that SteamDB’s report of 10 all time peak players can be true for Railway Empire? That just doesn’t seem right.