Rainbow Six: Lockdown: a 5.7GB Gift from Ubisoft

When you uninstall Rainbow Six: Lockdown, you get a whopping 5.7GBs back. Thanks, Ubisoft!

I’m guessing the game itself is only 2GB or so and the rest is from the copy protection?

What is the install size?

WTF? Starforce? omg…

If that’s really from copy protection, it’s freaking ridiculous…even an Adventure game with uncompressed photo-realistic scenery doesn’t weigh in at a 6GB footprint!

All that data is actually just the next Hot Coffee waiting to happen. :)

The link isn’t showing any review for me.

Was Starforce included in the demo? I installed that and on a hunch did a search in Device Manager and there were the hidden drivers for Starforce again (after I had removed them just prior to installing the demo).

<rude gesture in the direction of UbiSoft>

Hmm, I can’t see the review either. Just a blank template with no rating or text. I guess Yahoo ate my review!


I saw it up yesterday.

Maybe someone complained about it?


Um, Myst IV was 7+ Gigs…

Still, your point stands. If most of that usage is due to copy protection, that’s beyond ridiculous…

Wow, that’s totally crap if they pulled it for some reason. I hope it wasn’t because of the score, because if it’s like the console version, the score was right on. Actually…without Xbox Live, two stars HAD to be right on.

So, uh, is the game any good?

I suspect it’s gone because the reviews are probably embargoed until the game’s release on 2/14. So, uhh, nothing to see here folks, move along. At least until Tuesday.


Isn’t that a little … hmm I do not know what word to use. I am looking for a word that means you are trying get people to buy your product before they can have a chance to see if the product is any good.

I guess its like the movies that come out and no one is allowed to review it until opening day. Survey says, it will totally suck.

The title reminds me of something from the TV show Dinosaurs…does anybody remember the exact quote? It has something to do with the parent telling the baby dinosaur to call its full diaper a “gift”? “That’s disgusting!”

The fossil record is clear that dinosaurs did not wear diapers. I’m not sure what the fossil record says about Canadians though.

Coincidentally, Deviance has already cracked Lockdown’s Starforce 3.6 protection with a simple crack, so essentially it’s not much of a short-term deterrent for crackers any longer.

— Alan

Tom, your review has left me confused. A lot of the complaints could be applied to Raven Shield as well e.g. character models duplicating, bad squad AI etc. Despite these flaws however, a lot of us loved RS. Does the abstraction to health points really change the game? There were always 2 states of injury in Rainbow (yellow/red). There is no mention in the review of the planning stage (or lack thereof). I’m still holding on to the thin thread of hope that your review is from the perspective of someone who doesn’t love the genre and the game might be average (or MOTS) at best (which is enough to warrant buying it for a R6 fan).

Skyride, I don’t recall the AI in Raven Shield being as conspicuously bad as it is in Lockdown. In Lockdown, you’ll walk into a room and find some guy shooting at a wall, or looking at the corner merrily ignoring you. There’s not much logic or sense to when your own squadmates get killed or not. They’ll do things like stand in the open during a firefight.

Also, there is no planning stage in Lockdown, just as there wasn’t in the console version. I might have assumed too much familiarity with the console iterations of Rainbow Six, but Lockdown is a direct descendent of those. You command your squad on the fly using a limited set of commands, but it usually boils down to ‘hold position’ and ‘follow me’. For some of the later missions, I got sick of trying to manage them and just gave them a hold position command at the beginning of the level, then lone wolfed it.

There are now four health states in Lockdown: full health, two bars, one bar, and, umm, dead.

And I love Raven Shield! The Athena Sword expansion added some cool modes, too. In fact, if it weren’t for SWAT4, I would have reinstalled Raven Shield to cleanse my palette after Lockdown.


I have to strongly disagree. Squad AI in Raven Shield was damn good. In RS, when I was moving towards a threat, the squad stayed behind me and covered as well as the rear guy turning around and guarding when we stopped moving. When I played the Lockdown demo, I watched the squad “take cover” by standing between a car and a terrorist and then “peak around” the car in the exact opposite direction that the terrorist was. Their collective asses were hanging out towards the bad guy. Next thing was me lining up a shot in the dark, through my scope, leaning across the roof of a car, and just as I pulled the trigger, First Sergeant Deadmeat stood up in my line of fire and caught the round in the back of the head. “Man down!” Well, yeah, after that I put 2 more in him to make sure he didn’t come back.

Yeap and I just finished RS again, about to start AS this week.