Rainbow Six: Lockdown: a 5.7GB Gift from Ubisoft

Unfortunately for Athena Sword, a lot of its thunder was stolen by the capture options in SWAT4. :) If I can’t pepper spray the other guy in the face after I’ve cuffed him, it’s just not the same.


The team you did not control took losses 80% of the time even on “Recruit” no matter how many modifications you made to the plan. I was mostly referring to that aspect of Raven Shield. I am anal about losing anyone so I had to liberally use “All Team Hold” to handhold them through trickier sections.

Oh yeah, I totally agree with that. That part could be really bad. I just meant that in compared to Lockdown, I never once saw the zanyness and suicidal tendancies in RS.

Rainbow Six team AI was probably the worst of the bunch.

Strangely, I am still not seeing the review, although the date of the review and the star rating (2/5) is displayed. Maybe Yahoo is just trying to be succint. ;)

Sadly, even though I played the hell out of Raven Shield in co-op mode (still have it installed), it looks like Lockdown will be a pass.

Now to see how much Ubi screwed up with Ghost Recon when SuperAdvanced Warfighter!! ships in the next month or so.

Deviance didn’t have to do anything. Here’s the punchline: The copy protection has been circumvented by using the .exe from the demo.

You can’t make this shit up if you tried.

Tom’s review was infected with Starforce. OMG it’s gone!

That’s a seriously hefty game. I’m hoping it comes on DVD.

All games which have Starforce also have Starforce on their demos. It’s supposed to prevent cracking the retail game but apparently doesn’t work given that this was cracked from the demo.

The Turin/Torino thread got me thinking. Is it OO-bee Soft, or YEW-bee Soft?

The latter.


OO-bee-soft is how it’s said in french. The OO is a little softer though, more like eu-bee-soft.


For a long time, you would hear “oo-bee-soft”, “yew-bee-soft”, or even “yew-bee-eye-soft”.

However, when the new logo came out a couple of years ago, the official pronunciation was also declared to be “yew-bee-soft”.


Wait, so the voices in my head have been saying it right! Yay!

Now, is it WINE-steen, or WEEN-stine? (Kidding)

Playing the demo I order a frag grenade tossed into an open area. I give the “Go” code and the AI accidentally hits a box or wall edge right next to us at which point it bounced back into our group killing every one of us. This happened twice in a row. Also, I can’t count how many times I ordered a breach/flashbang and the moronic squadmate hits the doorframe causing it to drop right in front of us blinding the whole crew.

Its hard to beleive this came out of the same studio as past iterations.

At least your squadmate didn’t shoot you while out duck hunting.

Sure, in english.

The latest chapter in the Yahoo review saga now has the review completely missing again, no star rating, nothing. I’m tempted to ask Tom to PM it to me.

I’ll be watching for other reviews to come in but I’ve little hope they’ll stray far from Tom’s (phantom) assessment. It’s disheartening to see the series begin on the PC, go console, then return to the PC as a medicore port.

It’s there, Ned. I’ll check to see if the links I put up earlier got changed, but in the meantime, this link should work.


I especially liked the atmospheric touches. Like - say - having posters advertising Warfighter over the levels. Including, in one highly memorable moment early in the game, in a Cairo marketplace.


Tom, have you tried the mutliplayer yet? If so is it worth a purchase for that at least?

I don’t know if it is StarForce specific, but I seem to have noticed that a few games - all of which have used StarForce - took a while to uninstall and freed more space than reported by the Uninstall Control Panel.

Most recent was Chrome SpecForce, which took an ungodly amount of time to uninstall, and while its’ reported size was ~1.5GB, after uninstalling it left the HD with about 4GB more free space (and I still have other SF games on my HD)
