Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

I have one and I was getting this too. I discovered that for some reason my settings in my monitor panel itself had changed from 120 to 60hz. Maybe check that too? Also click on Display Adapter in your Windows settings and under “list modes” make sure it is running at higher than 60hz. Other than that I got nothing.

I strongly prefer ambushes and otherwise unexpected hostile encounters to be rare. Most of the time I’m just trying to finish my mission and go about my life, I don’t want to get gangbanged every time I’m limping back to base. That was WAY too common.

Well, the lady DJ’s accent on the Latin station sounds more vaguely Slavic than that of a Spanish-speaker. But I do love Juno’s character and VA, and the redneck pirates’, plus the alien dude* who gives Juno her first ship.

*effing Google keyboard autocorrect had written “did.”

Yeah, I’m perfectly happy for random encounters to be close to zero. If I want combat (and I do!), there’s plenty of ways to seek it out. As it is/was (haven’t played post-patch yet), it was basically impossible to traverse a system without getting jumped.

I’m inclined to agree. On the one hand, you want the world to be very dangerous. You want the player to feel like it’s very dangerous, and you can only do that if they really are in danger a lot of the time they’re out there. But on the other hand, the way the game played out, it used to be really really tough even in the easiest system in the sector (which is where you start out). It made me scared to even try the easiest missions because the odds were that random adds would show up and make even the easiest missions really really tough.

Hopefully I’ll get at least an hour free tonight. I want to see how the blue risk missions play out now. Those used to be almost impossible, but should be much easier now.

That monitor setting was the first thing I checked, because I’d had an issue like that playing Warhammer 40k Mechanicus. But no, it’s set right (at 150 fps max), plus I fired up a different game (AC Origins) and it shows 90 frames/second, which is what I’ve set it at in-game for that game.

And I can’t find that other setting you’re talking about in Windows 10 in the Device Manager. OK, just found it and it shows all the modes it’s supposed to.

Am I the only one using the ‘mix tape’ radio station? There’s just something cool flying around in space listening to some ELO. Or Queen. Or Rush. I only wish that, like GTA IV and V that they had commercials on the custom radio station. Still, not complaining.

I was listening to the classical music station, but yeah - the volume just seemed a little low.

Yeah, I set mine up too with about 100 songs with everything in there from CCR to Devo to Cake to “Take Five” by the Dave Brubeck Quartet and “The Ketchup Song” that was all the rage in the early aughts.

It’s not even that dangerous. I don’t think I’ve ever died to one of the random encounters. It just becomes a bit of a chore if you’re crossing multiple sectors for some particular purpose and you keep on getting sidetracked by some fairly routine combat.

Random encounters include extra enemies adding on to your missions, and that can be deadly. But I agree, it’s mostly just annoying as hell, I try to talk my way out of the fight and I just groan when they won’t let me go.

how can i cycle between floating objects???

Left bumper and dpad left or right

Honestly, I’m really enjoying the hell out of the music in the game so far to look into setting up my own music. My favorite station so far is the one that plays the Electronic music, it has several excellent high energy tunes. But it also has some really cool rock/pop songs on there as well. The music that plays in the main menu is just really good, I sometimes just sit there and listen to that. And just in general, this game has been like GTA for me in that all these radio stations allow me to discover all this new music that I’ve never heard before.

i couldn’t do it at first because i linked LB with booster, so now it’s L3+Left/Right.
but it works, finally no iron ore over alien specimens.

RNG fickle. I didn’t rebalance the density of encounters anywhere except IN Texas, and even there, not by much. I mostly biased it more toward non-hostiles than hostiles.

How do we change radio stations again?

From the command menu. You’ll see the controls up top next to the station name.

Thanks @rei .

What’s RTTS, by the way?

(RivaTuner) Real Time Statistics Server. Another, more reliable way of frame-limiting and/or viewing FPS overlay. Sorry, RTSS.

I want to force the game to accept Xbox controller so I can play it through my steam link. Steam controller sucks at this game.