Red Dead Redemption 2 confirmed for PC

It’s what I’ve been saying since the game launched. It’s just like GTAV on PC when it launched.

But are the graphics actually an improvement over say the witcher 3? There’s no real reason for it to be a ‘scalable future proof game’ if it hits the same (albeit very high) standard.

Yes, it’s a vast improvement! The lighting and cloud effects are really something.

Very smooth and playable for me at ultra/high on my 4 year+ CPU with an RTX2080, averaging about 40fps.

Witcher 3 is a 4 year old game though. How does it compare to, um, Breakpoint? What are the recent lookers?

I can’t think of any game that comes close. That’s partly down to the technical specs but mostly Rockstar’s artistry.


Any impressions from you PC players that have never played it before? Did you remain spoiler free?

What do you think of the horse controls? How far along are you? :)

Really? I’ll be picking it up at some point then.

Yeah the lighting and atmospherics are superb, and the overall attention to detail is something else.

This is from the console version so it looks even better on PC - but what other game does animal skinning to this level? There might be one but I’ve not seen it!

Not really a spoiler since it’s from chapter 1 tutorial, but bigger things like bears are even more involved.

Performance-wise it is as well optimized on PC as it is on consoles:

2080Ti has the exact level of performance it should have when compared to Xbone X.

I wish developers would put optional console equivalent preset to PC versions of their games. Would save DF so much time and create easy to understand baseline.

It just comes off as more natural and right than gratuitous as well which it could’ve easily done. It was a nice touch for sure. Hunting is one of my favorite things to do, ever, in this game.

And so I have completed Chapter 1. I am here in camp.

What now??

I mean, I kinda want to explore and hunt things on my own, but I can’t even get my hands on the bow or a rifle to go hunt stuff with. Do I need to do more story missions first to get those weapons? Or go to Valentine?

It’s been a bit, but I don’t think it opens fully until Chapter 3. It will keep opening up in 2… the hunting one is a neat little mission, neat as in tutorial neat. I remember feeling so restrained in this game in the beginning and then boom, a world.

If you just started Chapter 1, you should have the hunting bow. It’s stored on your horse.

The varmint rifle is available in Valentine for $0.00 at the gunsmith.

Chapter one is all the tutorial stuff, and ends after you rob the train and drive the wagon to Horseshoe overlook.

Oh, I thought that was the prologue. If you’re not at Horseshoe yet, then you need to get out of the snow.

I have finished chapter one. I am sitting here in the new camp in Horseshoe Overlook.

Here, let me try this:

I have just started Chapter Two.

What now? :)

Talk to people.

I believe the rule of thumb is to keep playing until you get a option to go fishing. Thats when the game really hits is stride, and freedom and glorious hidden fishing spots await!

Interesting. So basically just keep doing story mission icons for now, I guess?

Ah, which also probably means: “Talk to people.”

Got it, thanks!


But if it feels retrained, on rails because you have to keep doing mission after mission like this, don’t worry. It will open up more later and you will get to the Open World feel part.