Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

That’s not how whistle works. It’s more like a… spawn.

I’m positive the game told me that bonding with my horse would increase the distance from which I could whistle to call it, and this article says the same, which implies there is a distance beyond which you cannot whistle for your horse. Are you saying this is not true? I should have tried, I guess, but I ended up just stealing another guy’s horse and then accidentally killing it by tripping over a rock at high speeds because steering a horse is no less awkward in this game than the last.

Still having a good time.

I never had to walk back to camp.

If I understand you correctly, you’re saying a mission just sort of dumped you in the world without your horse. I am pretty darn sure whistling would bring that horse to you. And in towns, the horse could be nearby and you just not see him/her.

I guess the other option is go to the stable and get em, but I never had to do that for a lost horse.

When I got control of Arthur in Horseshoe Overlook, there were three missions on the radar. Two of them were some distance away, and the third was an Uncle mission right there in camp, so naturally I gravitated to that one. This mission had you drive a wagon into town, and then at the end of it (I guess I’ll spoiler this bit for others), a guy recognizes you from Blackwater and you have to chase him. At the end of this, I went back to town and the wagon was nowhere to be found, and my horse was still tied up in camp where I left it. Now, I chose to return the horse I “borrowed” for the end of the mission chase for good boy points. I suppose I could have kept it, and honestly if I’d realized those bastards had left me behind in town instead of waiting for me I would have.

And you’r saying after that you just got on the road and walked home? I feel like, that’s not right. I mean I know it’s a really, really early mission, so I would’ve done that almost a year ago but I do not recall just huffing it back to camp on any mission.

Hell no, I stole a horse and rode it home. Actually what I did was mill around for a bit wondering what the hell I was gonna do, then I took a bounty mission, stole a horse to do that, killed that horse in the course of that mission, then took the guy’s horse who I had been after and rode it back to town with him slung over the back, then rode his horse back to camp, where my horse was still hitched up. Then I got yelled at by Abigail or somebody for trying to “ride” my horse in camp by just getting on it and trying to leave. I left it hitched up closer to the edge of camp after that…

Perhaps you just kept the “borrowed” horse?

If that happens again, try looking for the stables. Your horse should be in there.

As for keeping horses, stables although it kind of sucks most of the ones you can steal aren’t that great. If you don’t know about stables yet, it’s probably a mission in the chapter you are in… and if that’s the case, it could also be the reason you don’t know what I am talking about!

Yeah, nobody has mentioned stables yet. I think this was like the fourth mission in the game, period.

Okay. My bad. Sorry.

That mission would go into horses a lot, a lot more.

I don’t want to derail the RDR2 PC thread so this goes here.

At this point in space-time, I kinda think Planescape Torment is a bit shallow. Mainly because the Nameless One’s struggle is so far removed from us normal mortal. So I am not surprised at DeepT’s comnent.

I’m at Chapter 3 at the moment and going through the story missions. So far it is slow burn, but Arthur at this point is still a brute, despite me steering him to doing good deeds. The whole game is about using bullets to solve problems. Stealth mechanic or non-violent takedown doesn’t register in the game’s morality system, which I think is by design. The best Arthur can be is an houourable serial-murderer. Given the body count he racked up, it sounds about right.

The gang is criminal through and through, from Dutch’s delusion of grandeur to other more mandane hustler like Hosea. Micah is an anti-social psychopath and found a place in this gang, that says it all.

And at Chapter 3 there are plenty of doubts in Arthur about this way of life already. From the supposed muscle of this gang, he is showing wisdom Dutch or Hosea doesn’t have.

I can see from a mile away where the final confrontation will be (that red area you can’t go), but I want to see how it plays out.

I just did the mission yesterday where you take Lenny to the saloon and the whole thing is one of the funniest bits I’ve ever witnessed in entertainment, period.

Just an FYI, after finishing the game wanted to see if I could find Ken Burns The West somewhere… great! its on Netflix! as is the Prohibition one too. Both are great.

Totally. Such a goddamned hoot.

I caught Lenny in the act!

I did not. :(

Mu. Muhaha. Muhahahahahahaha.

Enjoy yourself.

I only dabbled w this game on console, so I’m on my first play through and don’t know much about the game or missions. Coming across the serial killer victim and 1st clue was a pretty cool, but unsettling moment.

I just did that the other night, actually. You might wanna spoiler that for any other unfortunates who might not know that it’s out there (I sure as hell didn’t before wondering why there was an X on my radar when I hadn’t killed anybody…).

Hmm, trying to remember now if I ever finished that quest line. I played the game through on the PS4 Pro about a year ago.

I read that on the consoles you can hold up on the d-pad to shoot you gun in the air to warn cowboys and animals. Is there an equivalent on mouse and keyboard. I tried the arrow keys but it didn’t work and just manually aiming with the mouse is a bit immersion breaking. Is it locked behind story content? I’m pretty early on.