Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

Holy cow, look at the texture detail there. Like Arthur’s expression.

Ok, now get an action shot of Arthur punching his horse.

I received no such message when I installed the game the other day, and I’m running 425.31 on a 1070FE. So far, it appears to be running just fine, but I haven’t finished the first mission yet, so maybe I have bad times in store for me later.

You’re a monster, @Kolbex

That genuinely made me feel like crap! Someone ran off to get the law so I just sat there and waited for him to come arrest me.

Amazing. Great mustache.

I’ve decided to finish chapter 6 , dammit Dutch seriously every plan is horrible.

Isn’t that the Subtitle on Chapter 6? :-D

I decided to reload RDR2 just to learn the controls again before trying RDO, also wanted to be able to help someone who has started it for the first time and is in Chapter 2 and I couldn’t remember some tips and tricks. Had no desire to actually replay it, since I know how most things turn out. But dammit, I started riding around the beautiful countryside, exploring, and I’m hooked again. In fact, knowing what I know now makes some of the interactions in the game even more interesting. Just wish I could kill the damned German guy who makes you go collect debts. 'Nuff said on that.

And chapter 6 complete, what a shitshow up on that mountain.

Arthur Spoilers

So does it end the same for everyone? Arthur and John try to escape up the mountain, Arthur keeps back and holds the high ground to let John get away. Micha shows up and an epic fist fight occurs, but out of nowhere Dutch shows up to prevent Arthur from killing Micha with his revolver. Then Dutch walks away, Micha runs down the hill and escapes, and Arthur dies staring out into the valley as the sun sets.

That’s the good ending. The bad one goes way worse.

What is the bad ending?

The bad ending:. Same fight, but Micah shoots Arthur in the head and and leaves him there. No quiet peaceful death. Your honor determines your ending.

I am a dozen or so missions after chapter 6 now and this game just keeps delivering.

@Guap that bad ending would have pissed me off even more. :)

Since I guess we’re not spoilering these words anymore: the “good” (really, high honor) ending makes no damn sense to me, re: Micah’s actions. It’s out of character. Both of those depend on your choice to help John, too. If you instead go back for the money, similar but somewhat different things occur.

Had no intent of replaying RDR2, just getting used to the controls before RDO, as I said, but damn I am so hooked again. I’ve already seen at least one thing I missed the first time around and I’m only Chapter 2. Knowing the future adds an eerie dimension to the people and stories, in a good way.

I immediately went to the burned out town to get the big load of gold bars, but it appears that has been patched out. Only got one. Then trudged all the way up to the NW part of the map to get the White Arabian. Took all the time to slowly close in on it, calm it, being VERY patient, then used a trick I saw online that made it trivial to break it (about 10 seconds.) Now I have my White Arabian, Destiny, who I will stick with for the entire story (even if there are “better” horses in Chapter 6, because she will be my partner for the entire story.

Playing in HDR this time on my new 65" Sony 950G - sure is pretty.

I’m thinking of finally picking up a 4k HDR TV and if I take the plunge, I’m definitely going to fire this up again.

It pushes all my open world buttons. I love games that let me freely roam in an apparently dynamic world. Just into Chapter 2, but after getting my White Arabian I’m just roaming around, exploring again, occasional hunting for food and to take some back to camp, and just enjoying the world. I’m in the middle of Horizon Zero Dawn, and will get back to it, and it is beautiful, but there’s nothing like a “real world” environment like the one in RDR2.

I would say the ideal time to pause the story is to leave Micah in jail in Strawberry and right after A Fisher of Men. You can then fish, hunt, do bounties, and more.

That’s pretty good advice. BTW, if anyone has a problem breaking the White Arabian up NW by the lake, let me know; I have a foolproof way to make it quick and simple.

I give Red Dead Redemption II… 2 deer carcasses out of 5.

What the hell?

The game looks great, even fabulous. It’s the best looking game yet. Extra kudos for the clothes, the streetlights in St Denis, water physics in rivers, the starry sky, fog in the bayou and, well, pretty much everything.

But I did not expect this. Meeting the cast from the first RDR again felt more like PTSD than anything else. God, not you people. Don’t tell me I’m stuck with all those characters from ten years ago whose only real defining feature was that you had to go through a dozen stupid subquests to find their sorry asses. Oh God, now I remember Uncle…

More than 50% of the game is just riding to some destination, and most of that time is spent listening to « period gangsta » quips. The main character is just a grumpy gopher, like almost every other Rockstar protagonist. I’ve heard enough backtalking and smart mouthing to last a lifetime.

It doesn’t help that the actual story is dumb and annoying. You spend hours upon hours not being told about « what happened in Blackwater » or hearing how « we’ll turn this thing around » or « The world doesn’t want folks like us no more ». Dude, of course it doesn’t, you’re thieves and murderers… it doesn’t even make sense! It’s like playing a Kojima game, but without any endearing weirdness.

You’d think a game that has a « punch your captive into silence » button would listen to its own advice.

Speaking of Kojima, it’s interesting that he figured out in Death Stranding that open-world games are about getting from point A to point B a lot and makes that the crux of the game. What Red Dead Redemption II does is… remove the quick travel and give you a “cinematic” button so now you can let go of the controller and wait until you get to your destination. When Hideo Kojima is making more sense than you, maybe you should take a step back.

It doesn’t help that once you finally get to where you want to go, the guts of the game feel wrong. Movement is awkward and slow. Shooting is mediocre, at best, and you’re almost invincible from the get-go. And it only gets worse from there as you level up. Who says the Wild West is dying, I’m bulletproof! Talk about the game’s mechanics not following the game’s theme.

It feels like hunting is the real game. It’s certainly the most elaborate part in terms of mechanics, diversity and rewards. But it’s finicky (there’s one specific way to kill every animal) and it feels like busywork nonetheless. And no, I do not want to play video poker or dominoes in 2020. (By the way, the tedious quips do not stop during minigames. They do not stop for anything.)

There are numerous technical niggles too. The UI is too small. Menus are horrible and unintuitive. Mission NPCs bug out. There’s no obvious way to get out of replaying a story mission once you commit to it. You’re not allowed to buy almost anything unless the game tells you to. Anyway, you don’t really need the upgrades.

So much of the game feels like ticking boxes. The developers ticked boxes by adding activities, going above and beyond all other open world games, I’d say. You job is to tick boxes by doing those million sub-activities. It’s not unusual for the genre of course, but it’s no excuse.

Speaking of which, I’ve got an idea, says the game. I got medals for you! How about you replay all story missions, including interminable riding scenes, to meet some random objective, usually just riding back as fast as possible? No thanks game.

It’s an enormous game with meticulously crafted visuals where nothing feels fun or worth doing.