Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

Nah it’s fine to install it to another drive. Ideally you would want it on an SSD. I have a 2 gig SSD that is just for games. It’s a fantastic game, just make sure to take your time and soak it in. There’s really no rushing through in this game. :)

Thanks for the reply. I hear you about the greatness of the game --I actually already played it through on the PS4 Pro-- I was meaning to buy the console anyway and the bundle with the game came along so I bit then (because I certainly wasn’t going to wait a year for the Windows port, plus there were PS exclusives I wanted to play). It was my obsession for over two months after it came out.

I could install it to the m.2 drive (which is also my system drive) but I’m loath to use up 100+ GB on it, and the PS4’s storage is an HDD and the game played fine on that, is my thinking. The HDD in question is a big WD Black 7200 RPM drive. I’m sure load times would suffer, though, for sure. I do remember those less than fondly, hmm.

Well, I ended up installing the game on the m.2 drive, and was disappointed with the fairly crappy horse options you get to start with: the best I could get was a Morgan (I seem to remember that the PS4 Pro bundled version I played before had a special starting horse, an Ardennes I think). So I went to YT in search of glitches/exploits that would get one a better horse and found this one, which still works (see below). It’s basically a glitch in the encounter where Arthur runs into a lady whose horse dies on her mid-ride. Turns out the horse is a Missouri Fox Trotter with a unique coat.

Only thing I wonder about now is if the encounter will still be available later. When I saw that the horse had respawned and stayed alive I went up and grabbed it, but there was no woman’s body on the ground-- thought I’d seen her running away on foot from the scene but I never found her.

I went up north very early on and got the White Arabian. I could outrun anyone in the game. Bounty missions where other posses/gangs tried to intercept me when I tried to return the bounty were trivial, I didn’t try to shoot it out I simply left everyone in my dust. I know people complain about the Arabian being scared of crocs and snakes, but once I built my relationship up that wasn’t a problem for me. People talk about that horse being small - still don’t care. I did try the “higher end” horses later in the game but I went back to Destiny (my name for my White Arabian, not knowing how appropriate it would be) and that horse and I were close partners and friends throughout the entire game.

Once you get high enough bonding most horses are pretty dependable. Thing with the Arabian (white or otherwise) is that Arthur just looks silly on its back (to me, anyway), being so big. But if that didn’t bother you, that’s cool too. For the record, I also tried getting the White Arabian at some point, but as it happened it was during the worst freaking blizzard possible, so visibility sucked, and once I failed to break the horse the first time, I couldn’t find it again anyway.

My question up there was about whether it’s likely the encounter would still be available. I mean, technically the woman respawns and I haven’t actually done the encounter, but seeing as how I’m riding around on the horse from the encounter I probably broke it. One thing I forgot to do before switching saddles though was picking up any goodies stashed in the previous saddle. :(

BTW, re: horses, of all the many many that you can find/tame in the wild, there is not one lousy Turkoman, which makes me sad. For that horse, you either have to buy it in a stable (seriously spendy) or get it through some yet unpatched exploit/glitch.

I never even thought about him looking silly on that horse. It was such a magnificent, fast, agile horse that got me out of so many situations:


Nice shot (I have to play around more with photo mode)! Yeah, I guess it’s not noticeable there. But since most of the time (unless you’re playing in first person view) you’re viewing Arthur from behind and slightly above, the perspective exaggerates Arthur’s size.

It’s a very pretty horse, though. Hmm, maybe I’ll try in my current game (provided the weather when I get there isn’t so unbelievably bad).

Coincidentally I also found that horse in a blizzard and managed to tame her. Named her Blizzard and rode her until the end. (I don’t know which thread I shared this in but the trick to taming horses for me was just to push forward and back without adjusting side to side. It’s possible they changed it in the years since but I found it to work unfailingly.)

I can’t remember how I lost my first horse. Plot reasons, perhaps? But I kept my 2nd girl throughout the entire game and it paid off at the end.

Yeah, I got very frustrated my first playthrough trying to tame it, because when it bucked me it was almost impossible to track down. I had a camp outside of the spawn area so I just end up going back there to a save and starting over. However, once I looked up “the trick” it was very simple to tame her. The hard part was just having the patience in approaching her.

I named her Destiny, not realizing how appropriate the name would be, and while I did get the high end couple of horses just because I could, she was my partner from beginning to end. It sounds corny, but I really, really developed an attachment to that horse and we went through our adventures and life together. I know the various horses are a feature, but for me, having one horse that was my partner from beginning to end added a lot to the experience.

Re: my question above as to having broken that stranger encounter/mission, I can now report that I didn’t. Eventually the woman with the dead MFT showed up for me and I gave her a ride to Emerald Ranch.

BTW, I watched a YT video about John in the Epilogue that points out that his character model is not that of John in his RDR 2 cutscenes or in RDR 1, but rather simply John’s head on Arthur’s body. If you look you can see he’s much beefier/mesomorphic than John’s normally slim/almost scrawny build.

This video dropped the other day, perhaps it is time to reinstall and experience it all again, but slowly and carefully enjoy the details.

Red Dead and the Art of Taking your Sweet Time.

I’ve started this three times, and have yet to go very far. I really need to try and seriously engage with it I think. Same thing happened with the Witcher 3, but eventually I grew to love it.

Same here. I attribute it to the general slow, laid back feel. The intro was incredible. It really did feel like you were in a first-rate western, even more than in the original game, but it felt long as far as game intros go and since lately I can only spare short blocks of play time, the couple of times I’ve attempted to continue playing past point I don’t get very far before needing to stop.

I keep saying I’ll get to it during a long holiday break, but something newer always comes along to distract me. And like a couple of other games I’ve yet to really dig into, I preordered this one!

But I’ve gotten into a bad habit of getting excited for a game, preordering or picking it up on release, messing around with it a bit, getting that New Release Excitement out of my system within a week, and then playing something else for whatever reason. A year or two (or more in this case) will go by and I finally get to it.

That’s happening again with Starfield, though I did play it on and off for the first few weeks. I haven’t played it in over a week and am now back to AC: Valhalla which I had been really into before Diablo 4’s release. I have my gripes about Starfield but was still enjoying it, but with the New Release Excitement gone, I can get back to the game I had been playing and revisit it later. Am I abnormal?

If you are, I am too. I def will jump into a game and if it clicks I’ll play it voraciously for a week or two until a new shiny pops up and fomo hits. This year has been pretty good in that there have been a ton of great games with release dates spread across the year. This year has been pretty bad in that there have been a ton of great games with release dates spread across the year…so there is always a new one to dive into.

Some, like most strategy games or something like D4 can be jumped into and out of pretty easily. But RPGs like Hogwarts, or BG3, or Starfield, or whatever take more mental investment and if I let myself not play for too long I end up having to start over and get on that treadmill where I never really get anywhere despite playing many hours over many months.

Me too.

This as well.

I’m glad I took my time with this game and I’m glad that I was lucky enough to play it at a time in my life when I apparently could. I can see how its meandering approach could require an investment which might not be doable for some.

I find myself thinking back about RDR2 more than maybe any other game I’ve ever played. I think it may be the most impactful game in my lifetime, if not my favorite. Though maybe it’s that too. It’s so good and so worth your time, providing you have the time. I would never recommend it if it’s not going to be your main game for a bit. A long bit, at that.

RDR2 may have surpassed Skyrim as my favorite game in 40 years of computer gaming. I loved that once I got to a certain point, I was free to simply ride all over the huge world and do whatever I wanted. I camped out at night, having a cup of coffee and enjoying the stars, putting up a tent if it was raining, waking up early morning and having coffee and something to eat, feeding and grooming my horse (White Arabian) who I got at the beginning of the game and who was my partner to the very end, then riding off to explore. So much to run across. A lot of environmental story telling that exceeded Bethesda’s. Found a guy in a tent who was clearly a perv with plans to do something bad. Gave him a little frontier justice, tying him up, putting him on my horse, then putting him on a train track and waited until the train carried out his sentence. Found the RDR2 equivalent of New Orleans long before the story takes you there. Watched wildlife interacting with each other, saw a panther attack a deer then out of the blue a huge deer with a large rack of antlers ran up and caught the panther on his antlers, throwing the panther up in the air, and the panther ran away when it hit the ground. The big buck looked at me when I made a noise, we looked at each other, then he walked away. A lot of interesting encounters. Some very weird stuff. The camp boss would send Charles to look for me and make sure I was OK. I’d eventually wander back to camp or to a mission I’d started earlier. Tried to role play in an honorable way, the bad guy trying to atone for my past sins. Of course, the game main story was perfect for that role. The ending of the main story, before the epilogue, is still seared into my brain. Rode around in the epilogue and found so many references to everyone from the game and what happened to them. Even found Arthur’s name on a plaque somewhere in recognition of a donation he’d made.

Just an amazing story and world in so many ways.

Amazing game isn’t it? Such a great place to be.

It’s that kind of talk that gets me to drop what I’m currently playing to get back to an older game I didn’t give enough of a chance to.

Shame on you people!