Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

Well, I got a new mount. I didn’t set out to get one but while I was out trying to hunt a legendary bison I saw a lone white horse off in woods. At first I thought it might be a unicorn because it’s the only time so far that I’ve seen a herdless wild horse and so, therefore, unicorn!

But as I approached I realized that this must be the Arabian I’ve seen mentioned here and there. An hour later I finally managed to tame her and, man, this is a game changer. I love Gilligan, my previous horse, but Scout is just so much better in every way, even though our level of bonding is still quite low.

I wish we could paint our horses. Maybe a couple of hand prints here and there, a stripe from forehead to nose, a decorative ring around one eye and maybe a few bands around a leg. Let me tat up my horse!

Anyone find that magical cabin in the northern woods where the dude was writing poetry? You know the cabin, you’ll never forget your encounter there.

I found a feral naked guy living with wolves. Also, the encounter with the robot was cool.

I think I did, got almost killed there Revenant style.

First, where’s the best place to sell Perfect pelts/skins? I’m worried if I donate them back at camp I won’t be able to make certain items, but I also want to upgrade my bags so I can carry more.

I’ve only focused on larger animals such as deer and above, but I’ve found that using my Springfield with a scope and deadeye allows nice head kills every time, and I get perfect skins if the animal is 3 star to begin with. Much easier than the bow and tracking an injured animal.

Went up north and got the white Arabian, named her Destiny, and yeah that adds a lot to the game. She’s fast enough that if a posse starts after me I very quickly can distance myself and run away. And I love the compliments. She’s got spirit, and takes pats to keep her calm, but I’ve gotten far more attached to her than I would expect. I keep a good supply of Horse Reviver.

Still in Chapter 2, stretching it out to find every side everything I can, loving the world. Just ran across a body tied to a rock, with the head on a rock next to it. There’s a LOT to discover in this game.

By the way, I’ve been using these controls since you posted this video, and so far, I’m enjoying it a lot. But I haven’t gotten into any major gun battles yet, so I have yet to do the “training” that the video recommends.

I’d be curious to hear how the adjustments work out in all types of control situations. I’ve left my settings in default and it’s worked out pretty well - the only time I really get hung up is if bad guys get the drop on me and I need to start shooting quickly. I forget to do the “quick draw” with the left bumper before I try to start shooting. Or I guess I could right trigger to draw too? But that seems unintuitive to me.

Is this a spoiler? Or were you joking? I assume joking… :)

I ran across a cabin and when I went snooping around a guy invited me in to have a drink and some food with his wife. I knew it was a bad idea, but curiosity got the better of me. The next 30 minutes were a combination of horror, rage, and disgust. It was amazing.

Like a rube, I fell for an obvious ploy in St. Denis and ended up the next morning with a bruised head and missing kidney (just kidding-actually just missing a few dollars) draped over a grave in a graveyard. What was interesting about it was how mad I was, how much I wanted to find the perps and shoot their faces off. But they were, of course, nowhere to be found and I just had to simmer in my anger and not shoot the people who bumped into me on the street as I did the walk of shame back to my horse.

Anybody know how to get into the lab in front of the large Tesla coil? Even dynamite won’t open the door. It’s near where the meteor house is on Roanoke ridge.

I mentioned earlier that I thought I was suffering from the bug that causes people to go missing from camp, looks like Rockstar has identified this bug and is working on a fix:

Glad I didn’t have that bug!

I found the geologist today at a cabin as I was headed over to the trapper to sell some stuff.

More collection quests! I think I am up to 8 quests now of this type!

Of course an encounter with a robot would be silly in this game. You should clearly be encountering a, “guest.”

I jumped out of this thread a few days after launch in fear of story spoilers. Today is the first day that I will get a chance to play the game. I am using a PS4 Pro – and I recall (Scott?) That we discovered that the game actually looks better with HDR off? I was just checking that all the downloads were completed and the first question the game asked was whether I wanted HDR on or not. I also recall that there may have been a bug and that the options were reversed or something like that. I would appreciate any suggestions for playing the game best on PS4 Pro! Thank you!

I mean, I guess it’s a spoiler? But no, I’m not joking.

Eventually you can meet the owner and it leads to a series of missions.
In the interest of avoiding spoilers, all I’ll say here is that at the apparent end of the quest line, where it doesn’t give you any more missions… it’s not actually the end. There’s at least one more thing you can do.

Kind of cryptic, I know. But later on, if desired, I can explain more in some spoiler thread or something.

We are probably at the point where we could use a spoiler thread. Some of you guys are way ahead of me, I’m taking my sweet time here.

I’m still only like 65% through the story, although it seems like I’m getting close to the end. So I probably wouldn’t read that thread yet anyway.

Yeah, turn HDR off - it looks way better without it.

Well, it’s too late for me, then. Thanks for that. Could you spoiler tag it for anyone that might not have seen it? I know I would have liked to be surprised. I hope I can provide the same service for you some day.

Heh, I’m pretty sure it’s still gonna be surprising for you.