Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

If you do end up getting the PS4, I highly recommend The Last of Us Remastered. I know it’s off-topic, but I went from being skeptical because I’m not a fan of the Uncharted games, to being an unabashed fanboy of The Last of Us.

There is almost zero chance that Rockstar is going to split the game into two separate installs.

Is it possible? Yes.

Is it likely? Nope.

Does it suck? Yes.

Notable points:

1. “Red Dead Redemption 2” is an attempt at something entirely new for Rockstar Games, despite looking familiar.
6. You’re playing Arthur Morgan’s story in “Red Dead Redemption 2,” and only Arthur Morgan’s story — there is no character swapping, like in “GTA 5.”
10. A dynamic weather system brings pouring rain, scorching sun rays, and brutal blizzards to the vast stretch of America represented in “Red Dead Redemption 2.”

Oh crap - I know that business about writing a zoological compendium will probably bore 99% of the rest of the gaming community but I already know I’ll be dumping some serious time into completing it.

That’ll be two PlayStations please, my jolly local merchant :)

Good grief. These “wild life” screenshots are fucking astounding.

But what if the wildlife aggressiveness is like Far Cry 5, and you are attacked by a bear every 3 minutes.

Not really hearing any of those complaints from the beta folks.

Yeah, I really hope they tone down the frequency and lethality of animal attacks from the first game. My biggest complaint about RDR, really.

On the other hand, it gave each little piece of geography a unique flavor. I still remember that little hill north of the starting area near the railway line, where I went again and again and again, trying to kill a mountain lion before it killed me (mostly unsuccessfully). I can’t remember why I kept doing that. For an achievement, maybe?

And then the same thing in the final area on a more steep hill, surrounded by evergreens, trying to kill a bear before it mauled me (mostly unsuccessfully).

I don’t object to the dangerous animals being there, especially if they’re in places one might logically expect to encounter them. I think the problem maybe is with the animal AI, in that it always assumed the player character was a threat, and their response was kill. In reality, an wild animal is much more likely to run away from a person. Of course if you corner it or do something else dumb, you’re likely to get into some trouble. I’d like the game to reflect that a little better, rather than having them be an instakill if you’re unfortunate enough to cross paths with one.

Just reading these micro debates has me amped for the end of the month.

Me too. God, I can’t wait to just explore all the different terrain and such.

Man, I forgot about the weird animal people bugs. Those were freaky.

My extreme willpower and lack of finances will help me hold out until the PC version comes in what? 2021?

Supposedly they have already confirmed no PC - smiley winky face.

I’ll believe that when Rockstar says it, instead of ‘game journalist’ on Twitter.

Also I’m sure we all recall the ‘confirmed no PC’ GTA V.

Not believing you…

Red Dead Redemption never came out on PC.