Red Dead Redemption sequel?

Welp, guess I’ll finally get a PS4 PRO next spring. :)

The RDR2 protagonist’s name is Arthur Morgan. Near the end of the new trailer, a dude goes “Do you have my back” and Morgan replies “Always, Dutch.”

Dutch is the leader of the Van Der Linde gang that Marston was a part of in RDR (I’m purposely avoiding saying further spoilers).

No announced PC release is disappointing

That’s what I thought too, but I wasn’t sure. I was hoping someone would confirm. Thanks!

Probably late 2019, so that people can double dip.

But with a first person mode that makes it worth the wait!

Now that I have PS4 Pro I hate these Rockstar’s staggered releases even more, because I know how tempting it will be to get it for console, but I do not want to play inferior console version…

With GTA5 it was worth waiting for the PC version and same will be the case here. Dammit rockstar stop being assholes and announce the PC version already.

People are analyzing the trailer and it looks like the leaked map from awhile back might be real.

CAN’T WAIT. So yummy.

The cut scenes look nice. I loved RDR but I really hope the “random” encounters this time aren’t the same 5 or 6 encounters that play out the same way every time in this version.

I didn’t need another trailer to convince me this is a Day One game for me. In fact this is my #1 most anticipated game of 2018 by far (well, unless Cyberpunk 2077 has a 2018 release, then it’s a tie!).

Top: RDR2 trailer 2
Bottom: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

In case there are other people like me who never played the original game because they were hoping for a remaster, it’s available for about $7 on the xbox store and is backwards compatible on the Xbox One X (and regular One).

Although it’s not expressly enhanced, it does benefit from gaining a rock solid framerate (still locked at 30 though) and doesn’t drop like it did regularly on the ps3/x360. Have to say it looks pretty damned good still too - I only had the PS3 version before, which I gather wasn’t quite as good as the xbox 360 version, but it’s suddenly become my game of choice on my Xbox One X.

The main thing that’s noticeable compared to current gen games is the less sophisticated lighting/shading/shadows - by comparison, RdR looks flatter - but the character models and animations and even the textures look MUCH better than I expected for a game this old now.

I basically never play games twice, but GTA5 is a rare exception. And I am sure RDR2 will be as well. So look at it this way: you get the chance to play it twice, so


Yes @desslock I played through RDR on Xbox One as well and I also recommend it for anyone who hasn’t already. Does not feel like a last-gen game.

I am not sure if I want to play it twice though…RDR was great but one playthrough was more than enough for me. Mexico dragged already :)

Been replaying this while on holiday. It still looks beautiful, which makes me think RDR2 is going to look amazing. Just got to Mexico, which has my favourite landscapes. Love just riding around here.

Aaand I’m out - They will, of course, have microtransactions.

Take two president says they will keep microtransactions in Red Dead Redemption 2

I’m still remaining hopeful that the there will be a functional single player campaign relatively uneffected by this mess. Looking at GTA 5, it seems the multiplayer side is very lucrative and that is where they will milk players and lootbox it to shit, but I have no interest in that side anyway, so am still looking fowards to RDR2…

If it’s like AC Origins microtransactions, where you can buy mounts, cosmetic stuff, crafting materials if you’re lazy, then I’m ok with it. Just keep it out of my face when I play the game.

I’m pretty good at ignoring things. Not going to let a little thing like micro transactions get between me and the Old West.