Republic of Rome forum game II

@rho21, I will curse the gods but also spend 4 talents to attract a knight.

@scottagibson: Your cursing goes unpunished; a knight joins your cause.

@CF_Kane: you have drawn a new card to hand. What else will you do?

@rho21 Julius will spend three talents to attract a knight. He is heard muttering Alea Iacta Est under his breath in the forum.

A roll of 5 gains Julius a knight.

All praise to Iupter Optimus Maximus!


Aurelius speaks from the steps of the senate to all who will hear; there is enough of a crowd gathered that his words have to be relayed to those at the back. Many are wondering if this speech will announce the start of hostilities against Carthage. Those hoping for war are disappointed, but only in that regard. For this is one of the great speeches of the times. Aurelius makes his case eloquently and with humour and all leave buoyed by his words and satisfied with the wisdom of their consul.

State of the Republic

Unrest starts at 0; there are neither droughts nor unprosecuted wars to raise it.

Popularity - Unrest + 3d6 = 0 - 0 + 16 = 16 => -1 unrest (which can’t drop below 0).


Aurelius opens this session of the senate. First order of business must be to elect consuls for the year.


I think you mean @antlers, who has the HRAO.

That being said I would suggest that the Consul nominate Aemilius and Quinctius for Consul, as they each have one influence. If Rome consul, I would then nominate Aemilius for Censor, and one of the Optimates for Pontifex Maximus.

Oops, that I do. And I think you mean Aurelius for Censor, which is a guaranteed appointment.

I assume we’re not planning to try to fight this year, what with the manpower shortage and the failthless Messenans?

Even I know it would be silly to fight this year.

That is a fair point. I am open to holding off on nominating militarily significant Senators to keep them from amassing too much power once we plan to fight.

I will stress the importance of a fair distribution of the consulships. Because the Assidui are already guaranteed the Censorship, I would encourage the consulships and Pontifex to be assigned to some combination of the three remaining players.

I’m in total agreement with this.

Censor at this point in the game is not worth a bucket of warm spit.

Other than an extra +5 influence.

Also, if Quinctius is Rome Consul, I will nominate someone from both factions that do not have a Consul this turn for Consul next turn.

Nevertheless, getting Censor is hardly a boon for the Assidui, since Aurelius is the only one eligible.

Is it agreed that we will save the militarily skilled for Consul duty when we are in a position to send forces into battle?

Our likeliest war-fighters at this point are Aemilius of the Sheep, Julius of the Populares, and Fabius of the Optimates. So I think we should elect consuls from those of the rest, with low influence and sharing the offices.

Suggest Quinctius, Papirius and Terentius or Plautius. Two of those for consul, one for the Pontifex Maximus.

Edit: Yes @antlers, I agree to save the warrior consuls for the war.

I agree. I will take Pontifex if the Consuls will agree to nominate and vote for consuls from the factions that do not have consuls this turn. Otherwise, I will extend the same offer as Consul.

I am willing to make the same offer in all respects.