Republic of Rome forum game II

Aureliius: nominating a slate of Quinctius of the Populares and Plautius of the Optimates as consuls for the next year

All can vote now.

Optimates cast 6 Yes votes. Vote tally is 6 / 0

Also, too, Cato’s Oratory is ridiculous.

Populares cast 15 votes. Vote tally is 21/0 in favor.

So the aye’s have it without Assidui or the shepherds even having to vote, which is…

In any case, Assidui cast 7 votes for the slate, 28/0 in favor

7 votes in favor

@scottagibson, Rome or Field? I mean, I’d prefer Rome obviously, but there isn’t all that much to do this turn. I suppose Rome goes first in the forum, but they also have to give the speech, which could go…poorly.

I kinda feel the same way. Let’s have @rho21 toss a coin for it.

@rho21, would you do the honors?

The coin came up @CF_Kane.


Quinctius becomes Rome consul, while Plautius is Field Consul.

Next order of business must be to elect a Pontifex Maximus, then a Censor.

@rho21 I nominate Papirius for Pontifex Maximus

Vote away. I cast 15 votes for Papirius.

7 votes for Papirius.

6 votes for Papirius, vote tally is 28-0

7 votes for Papirius

I believe it is unanimous. Congratulations to the new Pontifex! May you bring in abundance the blessings of all the Gods on to Rome!

@rho21 Aurelius for Censor. Vote away. 15 votes from the Populares.

6 from the Optimates

7 votes for Aurelius

Is there anything else worth doing while the Senate is in session? I can’t think of anything.

7 votes from Assidui

It’s difficult to believe how much comity and good feeling there is in the Senate today. Blessed Peace is bestowing her gifts.

Hopefully it holds up. It is now the turn of our noble Censor.