Republican Candidate in 2012?

I think this is what the fundamentalist-wacko far right wing wants. McCain was not their candidate of choice and I think they will move strongly to try and take control of the party, in which case a Palin run in 2012 could happen. Personally, I think she looked like a complete ditz even with the party in a fully scripted and chaperoned campaign, and running without that will just make her an even bigger laughing stock than she currently is. But it might be for the best - let her lead the Republicans to a disaster of Biblical proportions and break the fundamentalist power all at once followed by a complete regrouping for 2016.

Not sure how I rediscovered my own thread, but you get second place!


I think you are the only one who mentioned Romney, so you da winnah! Don’t spend your winnings all in one place (which were embezzled anyway).

Edit in: Awarded posthumously. Sigh. Rest in peace, Brian.

Dude, you mentioned him in your original post!

Ah, the wild wacky days of 2008, when people thought Bobby Jindal’s chances at national officer might last longer than one prime-time speech and that Sarah Palin could make it all the way to 2012 without giving up.

Uh, I’m not sure Brian is going to be doing that…

Bobby J showed the world just how phony he really is with that speech. And they also made him up much too thickly (to cover his ice-pick acne scars), which helped to communicate what kind of person was talking.

Kinda tacky to award myself first.

Romney '12
Maximize profits. Liquidate America.