Resident Evil 7

Did you disable the click turning? The smooth turning on left stick makes a lot of people feel sick and that’s why they default to the snap turning.

also there is a field of view filter … I felt a bit nausea when it was off, with the filter you have a smaller FOV, like coming from the flashlight, and it worked better … snap to turn was necessary, too.
I only played the demo, but not to the end, it is just too scary for my taste. Do I really want to be in this world for hours?? no…

Gold Edition coming December 12th. Contains all DLC, $49.99

So I bought the gold edition. Man, I thought this was a lot of fun. What this feels like is a reimagining of Resident Evil 1 in first person, kinda like how Star Wars Force Awakens (also a “7”) is, well, a whole lot like the first Star Wars. The usual progression is there: pistol->shotgun->grenade launcher->magnum and mansion->overgrown by wildlife side house->return to mansion->lab/industrial area. They also threw in inspirations from every other horror movie/game; I guess you can’t blame them for trying.

I thought the game was plenty hard on normal, but I didn’t realize until about 80% of the way into the game just how effective blocking is. That’s on me, I’m dumb. I didn’t think putting your bare arms up would block 90% incoming damage from a seven foot tall monster with razor sharp claws. Silly me.

The DLCs are really what seals the deal I think. There’s a lot a variety there: horde mode, puzzles, a roguelike abomination and mini-campaigns, one of which where you punch the shit out of the monsters.

What I’d really want is more RE 4-5-6. Resident Evil invented its own genre, gun fu survival horror, where you manage ammo by taking the risk of meleeing stunned enemies with wretling moves, kung fu and so on. They should get around to making make another gun fu Resident Evil.

What I’d really want is more RE 4-5-6. Resident Evil invented its own genre, gun fu survival horror, where you manage ammo by taking the risk of meleeing stunned enemies with wretling moves, kung fu and so on. They should get around to making make another gun fu Resident Evil.

This. So far, the Chris Redfield DLC has been the best part of the game for me, even if the casting change is jarring. There’s just enough story & mechanics to give me a whiff of what I liked about the Resident Evil franchise.

The chainsaw fight from the original campaign was rad, though.

Resident Evil VII is pretty much my game of the year 2017.

So I started on Madhouse. It’s great that the “hard” setting changes monster placement and even items placement significantly. It even changes the path through the game a bit. That’s how you make a harder difficulty setting, especially for survival horror. Enemies do 50% more damage is boring. Thank God they didn’t do that thing with invisible enemies either.

Capcom has removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech from Resident Evil 7

Nice to see this tech going away after a fixed period of time, game performance should improve.

I installed this off Gamepass last night. I got to the scene with the dinner table and trying to escape from the dad and he kept finding me and I felt helpless and frantic and it’s scary. Too scary. I shut it off.

Good. I’ll be back for more.

Imagine playing that scene in VR.

I got a Shotgun and now things are way less scary. I explode heads now. Getting that shotgun was harrowing, though. More than once I had to circle strafe a slime zombie and slash it to death with my knife, go save, then fight the next one.

I like the boss fights so far, they’re puzzles. Once I figure out the method of solving them it’s very fulfilling.

Much like Ethan, I have stopped being scared and have moved to irritated. Fuck this stupid redneck family and their dumb puzzles and traps. Who builds this shit? And honestly, Rose, Mia, how fucking hard is it to just explain what’s going on?

Alright I finished it. Pretty good value off of Gamepass!

The hardest fight was probably the 2 fat zombies near the end. I died like 4 times to them before I realized I could exploit this ramps. 2nd hardest was Jack, because I didn’t realize I could grab the chainsaw until I had died a couple times.

The game was at its best when I was hiding from mom and dad and they were stalking me through the levels. After that I felt like I could take on anything and it stopped being scary. That’s probably how Ethan felt too.

I played the demo on PSVR and it even though there were no enemies, the house is so scary, I had to turn it off. I watched some lets play people playing in VR. I know I could not do it. But the tech even on PSVR is really great.

The recent Qt3 games podcast about RE8 mentioned RE7 a lot, and I remembered “oh yeah, I own that”, so I re-installed yesterday and started playing.

I have to admit, this game is pretty good at the innocent jump scare. The kind of jump scare where it’s not a monster, but you jump in your chair anyway. That’s a lot more effective to me than the actual jump scare where it’s a monster. That just feels cheap.

Yeah, I’m at this point as well on xbox/gamepass. Running away and hiding does work on my difficulty level (normal? I think).

I’m not sure I want the Zombie Redneck Torture Family (Cabin in the Woods) to be the entire game. Can someone say if we progress past that bit?

Yes and no. They’re around for most of the game but, this being Resident Evil, it’s not what it seems.

To get past that area you need to sneak to the end of the hall and find a key to the trap door. Then go down there and you’ll lose the dad. The dad is pretty easy to dodge just run around a corner and double back through a hole in the wall and he gets confused.

You do get to do a little Resident Evil Military Grade Badass Zombie Killing at the end. I would argue it’s not worth the price of admission, though.


This is actually the first RE game I’ve tried, it being on Gamepass and all. I do enjoy the movies that I’ve seen however (1/2 and bits of others).

I recently played a finished this. It was an odd experience. I found certainly parts of the encounters to be needlessly frustrating because it’s never clear when you’re in a cutscene that you can’t control. Some great atmosphere though.

I just started playing this. I’ve only played a couple RE games and they were awhile ago. In theory I knew what to expect. Damn it is creepy and stress inducing. I’m not entirely sure if I like it, but it is well done. I don’t really play horror games much or watch horror movies. I used to like stuff like Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. The Omen was way more creepy. In any case I’m not sure I can stick with it or not. I’ll try.

Does RE: The Village essentially play the same way?

Yes, it’s a direct sequel.