RIP Good Old Games (

Talk about abrupt, holy crap – they’ve already shut down. You’d think they’d post something to the effect of “we’re closing our doors in 30 days, buy your games now!” and get a last burst of income before shuttering.

Man, that sucks. Wonder if Mr. Ohle will be able to shed any light.

Well CRAP!! This really sucks.

WHAT? Holy shit!

Well, that is… Surprising to say the least.

Wow, just wow.

Their twitter updates give a clue:

Sometimes it’s really hard being DRM-free… hard to keep things the way they are and keep management and publishers happy :(

I’m sorry to hear this.

Wow this really stinks, was just going there to browse. It would be great to find out what happened.

Huh, didn’t see that coming at all. I still hadn’t finished grabbing all of the Gabriel Knight games from them so hopefully they do actually put up that solution to allow people to download their games.

CD Projekt suddenly suffer a severe cash flow problem?

Publishers are getting picky about DRM on 10, 15, 20 year old games?

I seriously would’ve bought a bunch of stuff if I’d had some advance warning they were going to vanish.

I saw this on another site - Thats not good…not good at all - I hope something will be worked out soon, since I love GOG… yeah, I have some games there, but I’m sure that will be made available as well before final closure.

Dear GOG - dont’ close… I’ll buy even more games!

Really, really awful. This totally sucks.

Wow, abrupt indeed. Very sad.

The timing almost makes me wonder if the Autodesk decision last week may have caused some publishers to start asking for more money.

Man that really sucks, there was plenty of stuff I still wanted to try out, such an awesome site. Best digital distribution service from the customer point of view.

This reminds me - they are owned by the company that does Witcher right? I really hope this wont affect Witcher 2 in any way…

Terrible news!

And I just got their newsletter yesterday, promoting a Codemasters sale and advertising Age of Wonders…

This sucks. :(

Yeah if they re-opened the site for another week I’d buy more stuff, as would a lot of people I think.

I’m trying to remember what I purchased on there. I think the only critical game was Freespace 2. Because of GOG, the FSOpen mod team stopped distributing the game using that licensing grey area. If I can’t grab FS2 from GOG, I hope the mod team goes back to distributing it in case I ever want to play it again.

I wonder if people will think twice about digital distribution now that one company has gone down and taken the library with it.