Rise of the Tomb Raider

Combat stopped bothering me once I found the poison arrows pretty much killed everyone. Hell, you don’t even have to hit the enemy with them.

What achievement? The complete achievement? I think that is the difficulty I am working on.

I’m enjoying this one. I am up to the Geothermal Valley and thought the combat was a lot less, actually. I’m guessing it really ramps up?

So far, the pace seems a lot slower. The first one it felt like there was a mad dash to get to each zone fast fast fast because, well, reasons. This one, I’m exploring more of the zones before deciding I’ve got what I can get accomplished with the gear I have hand move on.

Boy, does this feel like it went off the rails.

I loved the pace up until what feels about 3/4 of the way in. Not much combat, and I was having fun getting all the collectibles.

Now, it’s wave after wave of enemies. The enemies the game designers said, “you’ve killed a coutlets thousand of these so far, so lets make them harder.”

I’m at the helicopter boss and will finish for the sake of finishing. My enjoyment, however, has seriously waned.

You are right on point @Mark_Crump , the developers are missing out on what made the original games fun, the TOMB RAIDING. And instead tossed tons of enemies at you, which is not fun.

Also, man, the story sucks. I loved the urgency of the first game, and felt the origin story was awesome.

This one, I’m not really getting the Dad tie in. They explained it well, but it felt weak.

Yeah, they really lean in hard on the Gears of War style combat in the latter third of the game. Which, to me, is the weakest part of the whole Tomb Raider reboot. I don’t mind that Lara can hold her own against isolated scavengers in the woods, wolves, bears, etc. But I can’t quite get my head around Lara taking out dozens of heavily armed special ops soldiers in head-on confrontation.

Also, it’s really tedious. Ancient ships frozen into glaciers? Exciting! Another wave of cover-taking enemies? Not exciting.

The end of the first one had the waves of enemies, which wasn’t too bad.

A few other nits to pick:

  • I wasn’t a fan of the level where you had to kill the mercs in the ice water. It seemed like it would be something I would like. I think they missed a chance to make it an amazing scene but it was just needlessly hard.
  • I don’t like the climbing arrows. It was hard getting them placed just right where you could get up the wall.

They definitely should have went with another wave of cover-taking ancient ships frozen into glaciers. Super exciting.

I’m getting close to the “Fuck it” stage. I’m in the middle of the boss fight. I got the hit on the chopper, but the second wave of enemies is just too hard.

This feels like the part of the game where the masochistic developers made a deal with the story people: you can have all that cute little story and exploring bits, but that last fight of the game… that is all ours.

I found Uncharted 4 to be a better Tomb Raider experience than this game, frankly.

The bad buy (Matthias) in the reboot has a line where he calls this out, near the end, something like “There are no heroes here. We’re all just trying to survive. How many people did you kill to get where you are?”

I’ve shelved the game for now. I’m too resource constrained for the final fight. I’m low on ammo and herbs for health. I had a brief thought when I hit the “Point of no return” that I should create a new save point.

I am regretting that now since I can’t go back and farm ammo and herbs.

I’m almost tempted to restart the game knowing what I need for he final fight.

Wow, that sucks. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll watch out for that point of no return when I get to that point, and be sure to be fully stocked on ammo when I do.

By the way I stopped when I hit the geothermal valley. How far from the end was I? Is that about the 50% point in the story? 70%?

Yeah, I should have created different save points. But I didn’t.

I could probably just power through it. That second wave of people is a bitch. It feels like there are 3-4 too many people.

Around 55% I think.

When you die, doesn’t it take you back to your last campfire?

Just fast travel back to geothermal valley, and level up / prepare more.

Right before you go into the last area, the game in big letters says “Point of no return” you can’t go back to the other campsites until you beat the game.
That’s when I should have created s different save point but did not.

Edit. It looks like there is a trick to force load the last Camp you were at.

I only ever played the main campaign, haven’t gotten around to Baba Yaga and the rest. Are they any good?

So, I couldn’t back out to the last base camp I was at. Doing that second wave with only 20 bullets, which is where I somehow ended up, and a quiver full of arrows isn’t fun. I am out of most supplies as well.

At this point I’m going to restart the game, it turns out I wasn’t playing it on the dead simple difficulty, but the one up from that, so the second time through should be easier.

My advice for those starting the game: when the game tells you that you can’t go back, create a different save at that point.

I don’t really mind going back through it.