Robert Downey Jr is a superhero

And in the Ultimate version he’s definitely operating at superhuman levels. Not sure if that counts or not…

Exactly. Cap is another “accident of science” hero. Iron Man is (was?) truly human.

I learned more about the tony stark comics and cartoons listening to interludes on his albums than actually viewting Ironman comics and cartoons.

To clear things up on Iron Man, Ultimate Iron-Man isn’t a mutant in the X-Men sense of the word; I don’t have the comic in front of me but basically his father and mother were working on some kind of brain thing, and somehow his mother was affected while she was pregnant, (bit by a lab monkey or something) and it started killing her, she died but they saved Tony. He apparently has brain tissue throughout his entire body, accounting for his genius, and I think he’s also got some regenerative powers. The downside is he was basically in constant agony. Guess what stops the pain? Alcohol! So he’s definitely super-human, but not just a mutant.

The “regular” Iron Man wasn’t a super-human until maybe recently. A sort of nano-bot virus thing was developed, the Extremis Enhancile virus I believe, and was in testing in some weapons lab. It got leaked and some white trash KKK nutball got infected with it, and after almost killing him, it left him able to go toe-to-toe with Iron Man and almost kill Stark. To save himself, Stark used the Extremis on himself. Now he can interface faster (like, stupidly faster) with his suit, and just about anything else electronic, seeing through satellites, presumably getting a CNN news ticker in his peripheral vision, whatever. He’s stronger, more powerful, and the nano-virus actually makes up the base layer of his armor with a gold plating thing he can do with his skin, or something. So he’s pretty much a super-human now, though I suppose a case could be made that he’s still just a man using machines. The machines are very much a part of him now though. I figured during the Extremis arc that it would be reset at the end, some blah blah about the virus killing him or being too powerful, but the change has stuck through two arcs so far; maybe they’ll really keep him like this for a while.

Wow. So they fused him with the Engineer from The Authority? Who knew?

Well, it was Warren Ellis who wrote the ‘Extremis’ arc that introduced his new powers. He’s not really like the Engineer though- he can interface with machines, not turn his arms into giant guns.

That never stopped Tom Cruise.




Barry Bonds and Captain America, brothers in syringe-granted pectorality.

Well shoot, if Ben Affleck can do Daredevil, then…

Okay, bad example.

Gwynneth is playing Tony’s assistant “Pepper Potts”.

Interest level dropping…

Don’t be dissing Gwynnie.

You mean she won’t be too busy filming Sky Captain 2?

Is that what Barry Bonds calls it? An “accident of science”? lol

Captain America is juicin’!

dont’ forget nick cage doing ghostrider


If they didn’t cast Nic Cage as Johnny Blaze, they would have cast someone pretending to be Nic Cage playing Johnny Blaze. Seriously, the character in the book is equal parts Evel Knievel and Elvis.

David Goyer ( is working on Thor and Captain America (as well as the Flash, and the Dark Knight, already did Batman Begins - but that’s DC). He’s already done one Nick Fury (with the Hoff), is an exec producer on Ghost Rider…mr. comic book movies.

So…Avengers Assemble in 2011?

Actually…Marvel Secret Wars! It’s not far around the corner.

That gave me a good laugh right there.

Goddamn it Merritt, would you please drop this crusade of yours to prove to us that Nic fucking Cage is the A#1 best choice to play Johnny Blaze? Fuck the contemporary GH comic, man. Hundreds…okay, dozens of prior GH comics/comics feat. GH show a dude who looks like a one Keifer Q. Sutherland in full-on The Lost Boys mode. Ultimate Nick Fury looks like Samuel Jackson, you want Samuel Jackson to play Nick Fury? Never mind, you probably do :(