Roland Emerich's Moonfall - this will be terrible

For me it was the huge difference in expectations in that first viewing in the theater. I went in expecting an Indiana Jones type fun adventure, but instead got this brooding movie about a suicidally depressed commander leading a team. I agree that I was reeeeaaaally bored. Maybe if I’d gone in expecting more of an art film with depressed (Russell) and greedy (Spader) characters who somehow got sucked into a Hollywood action film.

The stargate movie was awesome, what is wrong with you people?

When the dumb kid gets blown up by the spaceship, and the helmet rolls into frame? That’s freaking high drama.

And by high drama, I mean hilarious.

Looking up the release date (I saw it on opening day, I think), next month it will have been 25 27 years since I saw the Stargate movie. I have to admit I don’t remember much about the details of it, just the emotions of being drawn into Kurt Russell’s sadness and being bored by it. :)

To me this typifies the Hollywood approach. Doesn’t matter how stupid the movie is, just add $100M of kickass CGI and count the box office.

Oh man, this is the same guy who made universal soldier?

There’s a chance that this terrible movie is going to cross the event horizon and become an AWESOME movie by being so bad.

I’ll watch Universal Soldier anytime. But Stargate is boring as hell. The world building is pretty good as are the characters. But it never goes anywhere. One of the more disappointing movies I recall seeing back in the day.

It goes to Planet Egypt!

Maybe I liked stargate more because I was a kid, so just the cool robot masks and crap were cool enough to entertain me.

But at least it EXPLAINS why it goes to Planet Egypt.

I want to track down whoever edited that Moonfall teaser and beat them to death with their copy of After Effects.

“People love that fake video static effect, so I’ll use it for EVERY cut!”

I saw Stargate (the movie) at a free college screening back in the day, and we all had a lot of fun.

I couldn’t watch the TV show at all. I tried, and didn’t like a lot of it. The only one I sorta watched was the one with Robert Carlyle, and it got canceled.

No Kurt Russell, no love. Gtfo MacGyver!

I didn’t know Major Briggs was in Stargate. Weirdly, he was also in Macguyver as Dana Elcar’s stunt double, apparently.

Well, the TV series allowed for inexpensive costumes at sci-fi conventions with military surplus.

I feel like the platonic ideal of a Roland Emerich movie would be a disaster film but the disaster is flooding in the basement at the local highschool and maybe some basements in the neighborhood. Just that. But everything else is SUPER FUCKING SERIOUS.

I would watch it.

Anyone who says they like the Stargate movie but not the series is basically declaring that they don’t enjoy things that are good.

So be it.

Well I don’t like the movie or the TV series. Beat that, people who like things!

I’ve never seen either. Beat that, people who watch things!