Saints Row 3

Does this remaster come with all the bazillion DLCs, or is the EGS exclusivity for one year a trap to lock people in for that stuff?

I believe it comes with it all.

Thanks. These $10 coupons are valid for a while longer. I might hold onto mine to see if the game has a price drop before then.

I’m perfectly happy with the look of the original.

Yeah, it’s not too bad. I played a bit today and on the PC at least, it runs like a dream most of the time, at high framerates, and supports 1440p just fine.

Question: how do you shake cops? Is there the equivalent of the Pay’n’Spray in the Saints Row universe?

I cant remember, I used to “farm” them in a doorway in the first safehouse so I could get the tank etc vehicles, then just run out, steal it and park it in the garage.

Perhaps start a mission?

Hide in something you’ve bought/own iirc.

Run really hard, jink then hide.

Yeah. This is so much fun.

I really like the resolution and texture improvements. The FX updates are great too.

I hate what they’ve done to the character’s faces.

Playing on Xbox One X. It’s a really nice remaster, though I remember it being much funnier than I’m finding it now. Also the HDR is a bit weird - it’s super dark at night on the default settings. I had to bump the master brightness up to 100% to make it playable.