Santa Clarita Diet - Drew Barrymore's Netflix zombie show

So excited for season 3! I’m catching up with the wife after watching both seasons myself and loving it.


Fuck Discourse.

Lot of stunt casting this season, but I’m not complaining.

Great season. That last scene seems like the kind of scene you put in at the end of a series though. And if that’s case, the show improved steadily over time. I really loved the way they developed the relationships so that each interaction was super interesting by the end of the show.

Yeah it really seems like every thread was pretty much wrapped up. Which is a shame, I’d love some more of this, so long as they have something good to tell.

BTW I liked their solution for getting rid of Nathan Fillion. I guess they weren’t paying enough or something.

My guess is that he was not available due to some scheduling conflict with his new show and they figured asking another firefly cast member to do it was a fun idea - and they were right

Finished the third season last night. I love this show. Ethan Suplee is one of my favorite actors to watch, so I’m glad he got some love here. Best moment of the third season was the texting snafu: “FFFUUUUUUUCK!!!” I had to pause the show because I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

I liked how he was playing a slightly dopey brother who got roped into his brother’s religious quest. Like I said, so much stunt casting this season.

That’s crossbow guy? Yeah, he was great.

Jesus, that’s brilliant, I completely missed that.

edit: For anyone that didn’t immediately connect that, Ethan Suplee is (to me at least) most commonly known to be helping his brother fix his bad karma on the amazingly underrated My Name is Earl.


Also the 3d-dot-picture sailboat guy from Mallrats!

Show is dead.

Glad to hear it at least was ended well enough. I’ll get to watching it this summer hopefully.

Bah! Best show Netflix has produced to date.

At least 13 Reasons Why will keep going and going and going. No shortage of ghosts.


This was my favorite show on Netflix. Argh!

Good. It was a great show, but it had come to its natural end. This story was finished.

Maybe the creators and team behind the show can create a different show that’s also great. I’d prefer that to keeping a story going after its natural end point.

Yeah, I’m ok with this ending. I really liked it but as others have said, it felt about the right time to end it.

Did you guys watch the final episode? It ends with a pretty big teaser for new content. It’s not quite a cliffhanger but certainly hints at much more to come.

Sad it’s done, but glad the show died before it had any time to become mediocre. ❤️

Man I would have happily watched another 4 seasons of that. I certainly wanted to see how the whole meat ball in the ear was going to work out.