Satirical/Cartoon maps that are interesting

Perception-based maps (maps according to insert your Metrocity here_________) go back further than I realized.



Well ahead of the famous 1976 New Yorker cover

I couldn’t get the “Find Your City” link to work, so I turned to good ol’ trusty Google:

A Map to Keep You Away from Ireland

Ireland has a long ongoing Meath problem.

That is amazing. 1749!

I think that is just the street address at the bottom. Based on the pictures, I’d say 1830s-1840s. MAYBE 1850s.

Glad to see France was eventually able to take care of their hydra problem.

I think modern sewers took care of that.

Yep. My enthusiasm got the better of me. One of the little paper ships off the coast England is labeled “Alabama”.

Italy is labeled as such on the map… but I don’t know if that would signify post 1861 unification…

I think it is pre-Austro-Prussian War. Let’s call it 1862-1863

Sounds good. “The Serio-comic Historical Atlas of Europe” would be an amazing book. They would sell at least one copy.

'Ol Fuss and Feathers. That one is a little easier to date.

The Library of Congress is a place I’ve never been, and I fear if I go, I’d never leave.

Fred Rose (mentioned in a previous) post, had some bad calamari, Chapodiphobia, or whatever and since then (1877) octopi on a map = evil.

Some beautiful examples:

The original

A more comprehensive list can be found here.

The Original Gerrymander

This set of six postcards, produced in Britain, depict French leader Marshal Joffre and German Kaiser as noodle-bodied figures squabbling to shift the front lines during 1914.

The United States as viewed by California (Very unofficial)

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

That postcard set is a keeper.

Other terms that may yield traction during searches: Persuasive, and Pictorial.

The former leads to mostly political propaganda and satire, the latter leads to… everything.


A relatively recent example from the NYT. The PJ Mode collection at Cornell has hundreds of these

From David Rumsey. Searching for “Pictorial” yields hundreds of results