Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the Fandango?

It sounds like he was really pissed at the time and thought he was having an informal “off the record” chat with a reporter, except I very much doubt he ever asked or stated what he was saying is off the record due to the aforementioned mood.

Yeah, I always call up reporters out of the blue to have off the record chats.

The Mouche is amazing. Hard to keep up with his output! Went to the movies, returned, saw some headline and thought they were still processing Mouche calling in to that CNN show - but nope, new and even better stuff. If he keeps up this pace, we’re in for a treat. I just love how he’s the latest hire of the hour, supposed to be the tough guy to bring order to the WH information output - and he’s already a joke at this point due to his missteps and bluffs a 5-year-old would see through.

I’m pretty sure Trump, right now, thinks Mouche is doing an awesome job because he’s impressed by someone seemingly acting tough and strong-arming people. I’m so looking forward to the moment when Mouche actually displeases his boss, because you’ll hear about that in the very first tweet or interview opportunity right away. Seeing all the people who kissed Trump’s ring eventually getting thrown under the bus by him, and very publicly so … some joy to be had.

As a friend remarked, Scaramucci is totally my new favourite character in this season of The Trump Show.

I have to agree with this assessment. In a very twisted way, I’m actually sort of warming to the guy. He’s clearly insane, but it’s certainly the most entertaining thing to come out of Trump’s administration thus far. If there was a clever Mooch t-shirt somewhere, I’d consider buying it. Sadly, he’ll probably be fired before it even shipped.

So if he meant to be calling off the record on this…isn’t he basically, you know, leaking?

The less “awesome” part about Scaramucci is that by his own admission he’s trying to use the Department of Justice and the FBI as his own personal enforcers. This breaks several Watergate-era regulations designed to prevent exactly this kind of thing.

He’s failing, because he’s a moron. But the fact that the authoritarian lawbreakers running the government happen to be incompetent doesn’t make up for the fact that our government is now run by authoritarian lawbreakers.

To be fair to the agencies as well, while Mouch is certainly a moron, he’s ultimately failing because the DOJ and FBI don’t allow themselves to be used that way, not even by the President.

Shh! Don’t tell him! Let’s see how long it takes for The Mouch to figure it out.

“The Mooch” sounds like the nickname you give to the one kid that no one really likes, but has a really good fake ID, so you let him hang around the group even though he’s constantly ruining everyone’s attempts to hit on the cheerleaders.

Do people not know the word mooch? It’s slang, for someone that is always taking/borrowing things without ever paying for them or returning the favor. Like a guy that always bums cigarettes or doesn’t order fries when you go to McDonald’s and eats some of yours.

OMG this is great. Is the entire show this funny?

No idea, sorry, just came across that one.

Meanwhile Scaramucci has dropped out of Politicon and his wife is dropping out of their marriage (note that it’s from Page Six, so it’s a hitjob and may be BS).

Plus, a cross-post from the wisdom thread, but The Mooch’s “leak” to the New Yorker that Reince’s days were numbered was truth.

Reince still isn’t a name.