Screw him, should I be scared?

Er, more?

I don’t believe that statistic for one second, assuming you meant more.

Also, moving a spider outside is effectively killing it, because the spiders that live inside are the ones for which your house is their habitat. If they don’t get back inside they will simply die. There are only a few species which can live in both places.

If the web thinks it, it must be true!

A spider is fine too.

Of course I haven’t. I just suppress the fear with my Man Powers. But it’s still there, lurking in the background - that’s why I jump when one sneaks up on me. And that sound I make is not a girlish shriek - it’s really more of a high-pitched battle cry.

And I personally don’t have a problem drinking out of the Spider Glass - I’ve been known to quaff the occasional glass of beer or other manly drink from it. It’s best not to envision spiders crawling around the rim of the glass while you do it, though.

Expose it to radiation, then let it bite you.

Nuke the site from orbit. As we all know, that’s the only way to be sure.

I have a peace treaty with a black widow living in our garage right now. It is right on the main bug highway into our house, and the house has been amazingly bug-free during its tenure. Everyone knows it is there, and to avoid it, but I don’t want a million of them in every nook and cranny, so as soon as I see an egg sack the peace treaty will end abruptly.

I taught my cat to eat bugs. He handles anything he comes across. Not the biggest help ever since he mostly just sleeps, but when he’s awake, the bugs (yeah, all bugs. Never did figure out how to get him to eat just spiders) better watch out.

Now, this we need a pic of! Peaceful Black Widow!

Thank goodness for them I live alone now and no longer have to catch and release. My X used to follow me all the way to my release point, watch me drop it on the ground, and watch to make sure the spider didn’t run after me and jump back in the jar on my way back to the house. Or, on occasions when she had been especially disturbed by the close encounter, she’d follow me, wait until I dropped it out of the jar and then she’d stomp on it again and again and again.

Generally I let them do whatever they want until they actually menace me (which of course is rare). Some of these suckers truly appear to want to hunt humans, from the way they seem to behave.

Haha! I can totally hear those two toads about 2 minutes later after fleeing into the bushes.

Toad One :“HO-LEE SHIT! Did you see that?!”
Toad Two :“I saw it! I don’t believe it but I saw it!”
Toad One :“HE ATE ME! He fucking ate me and puked me back up! OMFG that was crazy!”
Toad Two :"That was awesome Larry. YOU ARE THE TOAD! "
Toad One :“That was like something straight out of Jackass the Movie!”

Originally Posted by TheSelfishGene:
And now any time i get a minor injury that compromises my immune system in an area - like a 2nd degree sunburn - i get a galloping fun pussy infection.

Huh…I thought TheSelfishGene was a dude.

I have to admit, I used to be a little creeped out by spiders when I was a kid. I think I once woke to one a little too close to my face, and that was that. Freaky. This wore off about the same time I considered my size relative to theirs, and my ability to destroy them at will. I am a vengeful god, and those that enter my domain eventually feel my wrath. Some are smashed with clenched fists, while others are grabbed and drowned, others still are mushed and left where they lie to serve as a warning to others.

Snakes have never bothered me at all. This is probably because I knew that garter snakes weren’t poisonous, and garter snakes were all I ever saw. I would pick them up without thinking twice. You just grab them behind the head.

Now, bees scare the ever-loving shit out of me. There was a time where I would taunt them, or catch them in jars just for shits. Then, one day (I was maybe ten or twelve) I stepped over an underground hive, and a bunch of them flew up my pantleg. The terror of feeling bees buzzing around in your pants is pretty delightful. I ran screaming to my grandmother’s house (she lived next-door to us, and I was in her yard) and found the door locked. I banged and banged on the door, all the while getting the shit stung/bitten out of me. Adults arrived and managed to get my pants off, and they spent the next few hours killing bees in her house that had flown out of my pants. Good times. So yeah, not a fan of bees of any type. I will always flinch at first if one comes too close to me. Of course, then I’ll get pissed that I’m being such a little bitch about it, and kill it in an attempt to edify myself and reassert my manliness. I hate them so.

I swear to god, you guys have the best fucking stories.

I hates me a goddamn spider, with the exception of those little jumping spiders, because they’re so cute. And the rest of them too-many-legged creepy fuckin crawlies of the same clans: scorpions, solifugids, the works.

Good or bad, if they’re not going to chip in on the rent then they can get the hell out. Damn moochers.

Strangely so did i. Thanks for clearing that up though! I’ll be sure to tell him.

I’m confused. It seems most programs I’ve seen talk about Tarantulas having poison glands or some kind of chemical that’s injected into their bite victims?

And does anyone know “what” kind of spider that really is? Poisonous or not, getting bit with the fangs on one of those things has got to be awful.

Oh boy…

You do realize that Raid and other “end-user” insectides and most commercial insecticide used by Orkin all contain Pyrethins and Permethrins right? You will also find it as the active in things like flea shampoos for your pets.

Permethrin is also the main active of insecticides used for agricultural use as well, such as Pounce and Ambush. They still use Malathion for agricultural use, but that is changing due to being such a good killer. It is not a selective as Permethrins, and will kill more benefical insects just as easily as the target insects. It is very rarely used for commercial use in the home for this reason, but you can see it used in some doctor prescribed lice shampoos.

A regular can of Raid uses 0.2% for each of those actives for Permethrin and Pyrethrin. Talstar, which is an insecticide used commonly by Orkin, has a main ingredient of Bifenthrin, which is also a pyrethroid. Some concentrations of Talstar are as high as 7.9%, but you can get them as low as 0.2% for “sensitive area” use. When Orkin comes to my house to treat it, they routinely put down Talstar granules and spray. According to the paperwork they leave me after each visit, the granules are 2% active, and the liquid is between .5% and 1.0% depending on the mix they use.

Things you learn when you grow up as the son of a crop duster, and spend long hot summers in that field of work.

In San Jose where I used to live, I don’t think I ever saw a spider the size of a quarter. Then I moved to Florida and almost walked into the web of a banana spider so huge its legspan was larger than my hand. I definitely had the urge to scream like a schoolgirl, but instead I just shivered and kinda ran back to my house. Luckily they don’t tend to come inside, and they’re not deadly, but they like to build their webs across walkways and stuff at about head-height so you can easily miss them, especially at night. Yeah, imagine one of these bad boys crawling across your face.