Sean Spicer is the best Press Secretary in history. PERIOD.

I’ll say it.
I would rather have Sarah Palin be president of the US than Donald Trump.

Not even close. I’d take that deal in a second.

And instead of a secret phone line to the Russians she can wave to them from her house.

I would too, and that’s the sort of thing that blows my mind. As recently as 2008, the pick for someone as unqualified as Sarah Palin was a disaster for McCain, it brought his judgement into question, etc. Yet just 8 years later, the GOP and public at large elects someone even less competent (who is a complete piece of shit to boot).

And you guys wonder why I hate humanity with such a passion :)

I would too. At least she understands some basic political concepts and doesn’t (or at least didn’t) like Putin.

It’s harder to think of people I would not prefer over Trump honestly.

This could be a fun game. I’ll try a few.

Richard Spencer?
Milo Yiannopolous?
Martin Shkreli?

I think I’m making myself ill just contemplating it.

Ted Cruz.

Vladmir Put… oh wait, you mean instead of our current president?

One of those Cliven Bundy gang members.

Ted Nugent

Charles Manson. There are probably others, too.

Barbara Bachmann
Ben Carson

I will never tire of this Onion story, one of my favorites.

Rich, you’re conflating Michele Bachmann with Barbara Bach. And that’s H.O.T.

10/10, would vote again.

Crap. I’ll leave it for people to laugh at derisively.

No, dude, you’re increasing awareness of Barbara Bach!

YESSSSSS! Do want.


But remember, Tom, they’re not allowing cameras to capture the image of the Press Secretary anymore. Frankly, if you want more Hot Palin #Content ™, you should really be against this possibility!