Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (topic now 200% easier to find)

Yeah, I’d call it a positive improvement. Most people ended up trying to speedrun back to the boss fight from the nearest checkpoint anyway. So not sure anything of worth was particularly lost.

Poked around, got down to the bottom keep and a new tool, then went to the top. Genichiro! Got him down by one pip on the third try but it’s going downhill after that so I’m stopping for the night. He’s fast! This is the most “cinematic” fight so far.

Yeah, that’s the fight i made the video of. He killed me soooooo many times.

Oh yeah, I forgot to take video. Well, it would have just been of him killing me anyway. According to Steam I have played for 14 hours.

I think that was the second hardest fight in the game for me. I’m sure I spent many hours just getting him down. Bravo!

If you read it again, he hasn’t killed him yet. Which is a good thing. If he breezed through that fight too, then I’d have to feel bad about myself for being terrible at the game!

Ahhh… Yeah, I read that wrong. I’ll hold the Bravo until later then. :)

I have this wishlisted but I think maybe I can just take it off :/

If you read back a few hundred posts, you’ll learn that dying to the boss fights in this game rarely feels frustrating like they do in Dark Souls. You feel like you’re learning the rhythm during every attempt, and every part of the fight feels engaging and challenging, like a good roguelike game in a sense.

In Souls you eventually learn all there is to the boss and go through the motions until it has a sliver of health, at which point you inevitably get impatient from the tedium, overextend yourself, and die. Then you get to think about how annoyed you are during the long run back and through the same old encounter.

There are a couple times where From can’t help themselves, and they put together multi-stage boss fights where the first stage ends up feeling routine. The nice thing is you can get good enough to blaze through it at hyper speed.

Yeah, don’t take it off the wishlist on my account. Sekiro is my favorite souls like game and one of my favorite games of all time. It actually got me to appreciate them more. It took me over two times as long to finish as others (about 85 hours I think for the first pass), but I loved ever minute of it. Even when I was dying over and over and over and over again. As @TimJames mentioned, you can read comments earlier in the thread. For me when I was on this boss it just felt awesome, even with the failures.

Yes. Every time he hits me with that massive series of strikes and I block them all in time to them, and we both end up winded for a second I think, “awesome”.

edit: ah, don’t try to login to playstation with VPN on.

Here you go, @Timex, boss fight video: Genichiro

I think this was my 9th time fighting him, definitely my third time getting to the second phase. The first time was a surprise (haha, From, you got me AGAIN), the second time was a complete shitshow, and the third time was the charm, although phase 2 definitely had me on the ropes a couple times. 危!!!

Nice. You actually caught the lightning, which is something i was never able to figure out how to do. Now that i see it though, i understand the mechanism.

Panic jumping? You dishonor yourself!

:( :(

This is why I don’t want people seeing my boss fights! I beat the guy AND THAT’S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW, OK.

The good news is the game is really fun to replay. You can challenge yourself as much as you want. There’s even a parry-only mode, although I didn’t think it was that interesting.

Oh my, what have I done since then. So much! I went back to the temple and faffed around with some monkeys, but I got something interesting out of it, so it seems to have been worth it. I went back to the valley after that, thanks to a key I got letting me know i could move forward and faced a miniboss I’d already faced in the temple, but this time in a much smaller area and without being able to get the drop on him earlier. Then oh my god From, OF COURSE YOU COULDN’T RESIST A POISON AREA, but it really wasn’t annoying this time. More a callback than anything, I suppose. Found a cave with my buddy the snake inside. Boy did I crack my noggin against this one a fair few times, trying many different tools and techniques, until I discovered I could just bypass it with the thing I got from the pagoda on top of Hirata. Poking still further led me to a deep place I’d already been, but this time I was more confident and did for the miniboss there, another copy more or less of another I’d done before. Being able to explore some led me to another new area, wow, a forest, with yet another miniboss copy, and now I’m perched above a flute serenade and somewhat hesitant to engage because I’m a bit low on gourd uses and not entirely sure of a safe and quick route back here if (when?) I get owned. Quitting for now.

Satisfying, also a little sad:

Sekiro is a thing of beauty. Glad to see you’re enjoying it.