Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Ms Croft if you're nasty

9am Pacific on the 12th, per official dev announcement on the Steam forums.

Looks like I can go to bed then.


Yusssss, I just finished the DLC for the first game, I am ready !


Remember those gory QTE impaling deaths that Lara had in the first game of the trilogy?

They’re baaaaack.

Those things give me the heeby jeebies.

Oh really? Do they have that one nearly unmissable grisly impaling death that you get to see on a loop a couple dozen times until you luck into getting by it?


The rushing river in the first one killed me many times before I got passed it.

Conan O’Brian had trouble with that spot too.

The designers of this game loved that.

It’s an absolutely gorgeous game (especially in 4k), but one of the smart things that Rise did was get rid of the impaling. Not sure why the designers of Shadow felt it was the thing to bring back.

Also, game designers, please take note: No one ever looked at a crafting system and said, “You know what this needs? A dozen more different kinds of crafting materials that you need to harvest.”

Well, the very first game - the original one - had that kind of thing. I can’t forget the first time I accidentally did a swan dive into the ground in the original Tomb Raider. Ugh.

Yeah, but the first game had 1996-era graphics where Laura consisted of maybe 100 polygons.

It’s another to see it all in ultra-modern graphics in 4K.

Pretty sure every crafting game designer did.

RPS likes this game, seemingly much more than Eurogamer.

I just finished Rise and impaling was still in there. Maybe not as much as in the first game, but I definitely got skewered in Rise on several occasions.

It’s more of a sequence where you have to navigate an action sequence and nail every obstacle, otherwise you witness a gory death over and over and over again until you master it.

Frankly, that sounds terrible. Hopefully it’s in the first 2 hours so I can get a refund if I can’t make my fingers do what my brain wants to.

It is very much the sequel to this

Honestly, I just hate QTE so freaking much. I’m okay with them every now and then, but they ruin cinematics for me. I was really glad to see Spider-man has a feature to auto-do them for you, so I can sit back and enjoy the show. I wish more games did that.

I died once before in the parachute but many times in the river. I don’t know why you can’t use the mouse to steer Lara. Instead you have to use the arrow keys or A/D keys, and they are not exact enough to move her from side to side. Too little to one side, you die. Too much to one side you die. Several times going down that river you have to do it and one false step you die, only to start the sequence over again :(