Should baby boys be circumcised?

All being said, I don’t oppose vaccines. As I said, my son gets vaccinated. He gets all the vaccines he can, because I want him to be a man of iron that is so immune, even rain won’t stick on him. I’m just mentioning stuff I read when the whole vaccine thing was an issue in our home.

Kids are dying left and right from the vaccines eh? Getting super sick eh? Then why the FUCK are they still doing it?

OHHHH that’s right, because it fucking helps.

Also; You’re not hacking your kids dick off. You’re cutting a useless piece of skin. And most kids in the US have it now-a-days, so the only kids that are going to come home crying are the kid’s that aren’t circumcised. GJ alienating your kid (Jk, obviously).

It is up to the parents because its a procedure easiest done at birth, where there isn’t that huge stigma of “OH NO TEH SHARP THINGS NEAR MY DONG!” If a parent wants their kid to grow up circumcised or uncircumcised, that’s their choice. Parents should do the reading up they need to, and make their decision based on whatever facts they want to read into.

And now, Dinosaurs;

What is the benefit of foreskin?

Fun to play with, makes hand jobs easier.

Isn’t there a HUGE thread about this already? Circumcision, I mean. Not hand jobs. I’m almost tempted to post a Hanzii picture.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women?

A quick search comes up with with a few that are a couple years old. Is there an official waiting period for bringing up topics again?

It’s standard OEM equipment, like tires.

It just seems a bit pointless since it always ends the same way. It’s like talking about abortion.

I really hope that Autozone starts carrying foreskins.

Nor does it affect the boys parents, the only one it affects is the boy. Seriously, there’s little rational reason to get it done in a first world nation so yes it does boil down to “for the hell of it”. When it comes to permanently altering someone physically I think there better be a damn good reason for it, “looks awesome” or “to have baby look like daddy” don’t qualify. If this wasn’t so entrenched in our society and it wasn’t socially acceptable people would probably be horrified by the idea and question the practice. The fact that adult men are horrified when it’s brought in relation to them should tell you something about it.

Circumcision is mutilation.

They come with a lifetime warranty.

I can only repeat what I’ve read. My kid getting sick damn for a week after being vaccinated is a fact.

Then why the FUCK are they still doing it?

As I said, in Germany, and I belive the UK, many are NOT.

Also; You’re not hacking your kids dick off. You’re cutting a useless piece of skin. And most kids in the US have it now-a-days, so the only kids that are going to come home crying are the kid’s that aren’t circumcised. GJ alienating your kid (Jk, obviously).

It is up to the parents because its a procedure easiest done at birth, where there isn’t that huge stigma of “OH NO TEH SHARP THINGS NEAR MY DONG!” If a parent wants their kid to grow up circumcised or uncircumcised, that’s their choice. Parents should do the reading up they need to, and make their decision based on whatever facts they want to read into.

I said my arguments, you can go back and read them and consider them my answer to what you said.

And, regarding that dino picture;

I’m going to ask our pediatrician if we can vaccinate our daughter against foreskins.

I can’t believe there’s someone on QT3 that believes that stupid virus hysteria bullshit.


You’re not old enough to start posting pictures.

And nice job dodging my argument.

Bad science has your vaccine fears covered:

Do not consider posting a picture of me when discussing foreskin and/or handjobs.

And FoRm4T, that picture posting thing? You’re doing it wrong.

Circumcision is mutilation.

Your Mom is mutilation.