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Digging all those glams.





Unlike most Chinese delicacies, geoduck is actually pretty good.

Kate + Leopold:
Gotham City:

Seen one dirty New York alley, seen them all, right?

Apparently there’s only six alleys in the entire Manhattan, and there’s exactly one where you’re allowed to film: Cortland Alley.

I can confirm, I used to work a couple blocks from that alley. There were film crews there pretty much all the time.

I read an article a while ago where a director was pointing out that exact fact. Lots of scripts require a “dark alley in Manhatten” and actually there are hardly any there. Its just that we are so used to seeing them in movies and tv shows, that we (& screen writers apparently) just assume there are loads of them around!

I wouldn’t be surprised if Daredevil or Jessica had some action there as well.

That said, I lived on a street in Manhattan that was basically just twice as wide as the pictured alley. Still a bad place to be jumped by ninjas.

That’s silly. The crocodile can’t bite you if you’re riding him.

If anything, that’s the SAFEST PLACE TO BE.

I’m more curious about what the guy second from the bottom wants from the croc. Actually, I also curious as to what’s going on with the bottom guy.

The bottom guy I think is petting him. The other one, not sure I want to know…maybe “never turn your back on a croc!”?

Look more closely at the bottom guy. As for the other one, look more closely at the bottom guy . . . then look back at the other one.

Paging @krayzkrok stat!

He clearly wants the Croc to ride him.
This is obviously a mistake.
With Crocodiles, you want to be the top.

I think the 3rd one is also safe, but @krayzkrok would know for sure.

Don’t urinate on crocodiles!