Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

Is it a meta joke that is an imgur hosted image?

Someone posted this drinks coaster on Mastodon earlier, and my initial thought was that they must be a big fan of @Chappers.

…not that there’s anything wrong with that!

I was born QAP and I’m not apologizing for it!

What’s wrong with Wax?

Only weirdos go South to North, sheesh!

“WFH” sounds normal

I dunno, LQTBG sounds like it might be pretty gay…

Ding! You got an achievement!

I dunno about “skill”… maybe “texture”, “consistency”, “volume”, that sort of thing…

It’s like some of you don’t even follow sports these days.

I am nothing if not knowledgeable about sportsballs.

I hit refresh, and clicked on the image to see the original.

Time to make oneself presentable for the coronation, I suppose.