Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

I am a #4

I’d go 4.5 or 5.

So wait, people actually eat a 1? Like raw bacon?

Anything below 3 I’d consider inedible.

Yep, 3 is basically the only choice there.

I’m a 2.

6 is a crime against humanity.

If i was a dog it would be all of em.

3-5 is all supreme goodness. 6 is “oops, but I’ll still eat it and enjoy it. Maybe crumble it up and sprinkle on top of a baked potato or a risotto.” 2 weirds me out, but I would probably try to eat it and hope for the best. 1 I would ask who forgot to turn the stove on.

I often eat 5.5 to 6. The key is that you aren’t eating bacon-colored carbon but something that has been reduced to delicious bacon salty crunchiness.

3-4 are perfect for me.

I like Crispy bacon too (all bacon is good) but I like some chew.

4-5. Crumble 6 up for your salad.

Any kind of undercooked pork is kind of gross.

6 I’d crumble up over my eggs or hashbrowns.

5-6 is just eating cancer stix

1-2 gonna spew; 3-4 gimme more; 5-6 cancer stix?



How did you find out that I carry a miniature man from the 80s around in my pocket?


Folks who work in the medical field will understand this!