Slay the Spire

Thanks for the heads up. Same for me, I think this might be better for me on iOS, especially my new iPad Pro.

So I saw credits for all three main characters now. I’m sure I’d still have fun playing further, but the motivation has been sapped quite a bit. Certainly got my money’s worth.

Released on iOS today!

Great news! There are FOUR “main characters!” (Who are the secondary characters, btw? The monsters? I like that description! They’re not enemies, just extras.)

I have been playing this on the Switch and both times I cleared Ascension 15 it has locked up at a black screen and not registered the win.

It’s not super horrible to do it again but lost a lot of interest in bothering.

I have no interest in Slay the Spire itself, but this is a pretty neat article.

Makes me feel like a pretty weak player :(

It is an interesting read, though watching a streamer win his 23rd straight ascension 20 run in a row was proof enough to me that every game of StS is inherently winnable. Fun to see someone really going in on how unlikely it is to generate an unwinnable seed.

It seems like the players he referenced had a way higher win rate than Jorbs did? Maybe I’m out of date. Just thought that was interesting.

Hahahaha no effing way.

Oh do I kickstarter or not? :O

I put myself on the list. Depending on how much it costs to get in I could easily see going for it.

I don’t see why having the same name as an excellent video game will make the board game any good. The publisher has one other game, which apparently hasn’t come out yet, by a first-time designer, and the designer of this game (Slay the Spire) isn’t even listed.

I’d be cautious.

Finally out on Android. Now I can see what the fuss was all about.

This has been great! I grabbed this to play on my android tablet and phone (feels slightly better on the larger real estate of a tablet, but plays fine on the phone too). It has been fun to play this again from the beginning state again not tied to my PC and I am addicted again.

Are you not running into all the issues that various reviews have stated? Wonky UI/etc?

The only issue I occasionally encounter is accidentally grabbing the wrong card, but that is hard to say if that is an issue with the game implementation or me fat fingering it (the larger screen of a tablet helps address this). That said, if I accidentally grab the wrong card you can lower it back into your hand to fix it. I have only played the wrong/unintended card a few times.

So if you are playing with a build that fills your hand quite a bit, it just takes a little extra care and effort to make sure you are grabbing the correct card. The mouse on the PC is much more exacting so one can play really fast on the PC.

I haven’t run into any other issues. Not sure if I have been lucky.

Yes, this is pretty much the only issue I’ve run into as well.

I’ve had a couple crashes, and yeah it’s annoying when you grab the wrong card, buy I’ve only had one actual misplay because of it. I would not want to play it on a screen any smaller than this (6.2in). Otherwise it plays great.