FYI there are save states in this. You can save 4 slots for every game. Even the ones I added myself. And you can rewind too. So if you hit a really hard boss you could in theory rewind and try again.

Yes, the rewind specifically makes the experience feel much more contemporary.

How does rewinding work? Just curious.

You hit the reset button on the console to get back to the game listings and then there’s an option to rewind back. I’m not sure how far back it goes, but after you rewind it just drops you back into the game.

You can actually rewind to different points on the game, by 10 second steps. The total amount you can rewind is dependent on the game (there’s a fixed memory amount for the system, so the more RAM the game takes, the less time you are given). On average it’s about a minute IIRC.

Has anyone use Hakchi on theirs?

I have, without issue. I only use the built in emulator, though.

My understanding is that the d-pad patent has expired and the XB1 controllers now use them.

Shows you when the last time I picked up a console controller was!

Hint: it was early 2015 when I tried to use my XB360 for about ten minutes before getting frustrated because it had to do updates or some shit and wouldn’t recognize my MS password anymore.

Console gaming sure isn’t like it used to be. Oh look let me pop this disk in and wait for it to install, and then download a patch and then prompt you about logging into the company site (EA) and THEN 2 hours later you are ready to go! WOOOOOOO!

When I think uncommon, I think % of original sales that haven’t ended up being turfed after a garage sale.

There’d be a boutique market, but I certainky haven’t laid eyes one for a couple of decades.

Anyway it doesn’t really matter either way, the interesting thing was their decision to put a slot on for them.

The entire purpose of the Super Nt is to be able to play Actual SNES Cartridges on an HDMI-enabled version of the console - the ROM stuff people are talking about here is not the intended use case, even if the developers make it an option down the line, as they did with the previous box.


I will pick this up at the N64 mini, the last stand of the cartridge. I think I’ve got a copy of pilot wings propping up a desk round here somewhere…

Grabbed the last SNES Classic from Best Buy yesterday afternoon, victory! I’m really impressed that while they remained scarce, Nintendo has obviously kept regular shipments coming. I’d say between Target and Best Buy I was probably checking stores for them about 4 times per week as I did my other holiday shopping; I never resorted to camping out or calling around.

I saw about ten of them at Target tonight. They’re out there. Nothing was sold out.

So this has been a hit. My son loves playing (or as often as not sitting on my lap asking to watch me play) the rocket ship game (Star Fox), the monkey game (Donkey Kong), or daddy’s favorite game (Super Metroid). He is also super into playing Mario Kart.

All of which reminds me of one of the great truths to the 16 bit era….

Mine cart levels are shit. And designers who made them were just sadistic bastards.

I never did find one of these locally and they’re still all skeevy resellers on Amazon. Oh well :(

Keep looking. They’re around. How bad do you want one? I have seen them locally just a couple days ago.

I want one precisely 1% less than the amount I’d need to want one to pay $1 more than MSRP for it.

Dude, I’d pick one up for you and ship it for cost. You’d just have to pay shipping. Seriously though, try locally first if you want to save the shipping. Specifically, look at Target, especially if you have more than one Target and one of them is less trafficked than the others. That’s where I’ve seen them. (My son works at one here…)

It’s a slick little device. I was playing on it just this past weekend. It reminded me why I hate playing Street Fighter with an SNES pad, but other than that it’s great. :)