So how do you get a very zealous religious person to give you some space?

My father in law was into coinenea (sp), a sort of baptist small town Uber religious group, my older brother converted to Catholicism when he got married and dove in deep, and my younger brother is evangelical. None of them ever talked religion to me. My brothers are sadly very conservative, although only with some things. My fil was never political.

My godfather was big into scientogy, I think he must have discussed it with my parents but he never brought it up to the younger generation.

Since this is a video game forum, can you try to make it a game (for yourself). See how many times you can say yes or nod your head. Keep count and see which day had the most ( or morning vs evening). It is a distracting technique for your mind so you don’t get caught up in things.

There are two things, her and you. You are picking up her baggage, you do not have to. I hope this does not sound mean, you are in a difficult position and you are helping her and from how I read your first post, you cannot leave easily. I hope it gets better for you.

That’s the kicker though, Jehovah’s Witnesses actually do the “witness” part, like Evangelicals (And I’ll say, ‘the serious ones’ here) evangelize. It’s a central tenet of their faith, thus the knocks at your door with The Watchtower, and also thus a stickier wicket than most other faiths to handle if you’re not a believer but want to maintain family ties. Tough question, that’s why I thought coming to a compromise where she could witness to a point she felt she had done what she believes she needs to do, then switch over to regular family time, might be an answer. Any other thoughts I’ll keep out of EE.

Had you considered raising them Crackhead?

Seriously man, you signed a CONTRACT. For your children’s souls. Do you know who wants a contract for that? Hint: not the Pope.

Eh, it turned out ok for Bart Simpson, I like my odds.