So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Ok.America, 2017. Great country we have here, hope nothing happens to it.

Where is miss princess Ivanka again? Drawn the swamp. Go back to your country, and she’s surprised her daddy is getting a quarter of what he’s unleashed on the world?

This thread is good enough for this:

And now it’s looking like a probable assassination attempt on at least the Republican Majority whip in the House.

Details still unfolding- but hearing 50 shots fired, and he was hit in the hip.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News he left just before the shooting. As he walked to his car, a man asked DeSantis if it was Republicans or Democrats practicing. About three minutes the shooting began, DeSantis said.


“Guy shoots up Congressional baseball practice” is a more accurate summary - at the moment there’s no evidence Scalise was specifically targeted.

Yeah, looks like it was more “random DC government Republicans” if anything. I read somewhere that a staffer was hit the worst (although that was an early report, and therefore quite possibly wrong)

It was an attempt to kill an elected official to me because of their office- to me that qualifies as an assassination attempt.

The guy who did this was a Bernie Bro version of the Portland terrorist, very similar profiles.

The portland terrorist was ALSO a bernie bro, wasn’t he?

Fair. I just imagine something different when it comes to assassinations, that they target an individual and not just whomever happened to be unlucky enough to be in the crosshairs from a group. I’d personally be more likely to call it a hate crime (not using a legal definition), not an assassination attempt. Of course, that has its own well-established issues with how people understand it.

Well, the republicans are trying to kill people with their health “plan”, so surely this would be considered self defence?

I trust that you’re at least half-joking…

This is more about yet another entitled-feeling aging white guy who worked himself up into a lather and decided that by God he was going to do something about it.

Stuff like this sure brings out the best in people…

Trump Jr. is using it to continue his attack on the arts and NY elites.^tfw&

This seemed like a reasonable response though.

Remember when Gabrielle Giffords was shot and we decided to defund all the arts and humanity programs and attack education and suspend freedoms…err wait.

This is a terrible thing to happen, of course, but let’s be clear here, we’ve had violence in the past against our representatives. This will just be more excuses for them to hide away from town halls again.

trump has been nominating judges. :(

(links didn’t render)

Trump picks right-wing blogger for a judgeship, his confirmation hearing was a complete train wreck

The Neo Confederates are coming

Yeah but Gabby was a libtard who deserved it , these are the heroes saving our democracy.


He just really hates these cans.