So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

My guess is that any “evangelical” that’s still supporting him at this point isn’t holding their nose at all, but instead taking big ol’ loving huffs of the flaming pile of dogshit.

They simply don’t give a shit about the teachings of Christ.
It’s not even a minor factor in their political positions at this point.

Not sure it ever was, but now they don’t even pretend to hide it.

I have to say, if it’s about abortion, I still kinda see the logic.

If someone genuinely believed that 50 million murders had taken place in the U.S. in the past half-century, I can see why they’d put up with a lot to have laws passed against it.

Being anti-abortion doesn’t directly relate to the teachings of Christ (I don’t think he said anything about it), but it is evidently something a lot of people consider central to their conception of being Christian.

The number of problems that would be immediately solved if Christians as a voting block just, you know, stopped is kinda gobsmacking.

To head the inevitable faux-outrage off at the pass, I am willing to allow that it’s theoretically possible to be a decent person and also be a Christian, but overall, as a group, they sorta suck balls electorally.

Just like your fellow boomers, @Scuzz ;-)

But they won’t support pre-natal care to guarantee those kids are born healthy, or pay to keep them healthy after they’re born.

They don’t CARE about them. It’s just dogmatic.

I think it’s possible to have an internally consistent worldview wherein health care should remain a private concern, while at the same time infanticide* ought to be illegal.

Not saying I share that view, but it doesn’t strike me as intellectually untenable.

*as they see it.

I disagree. Birthing an unlimited number of kids into the world only to let a portion of them starve, die of preventable illness, or suffer other forms of neglect/abuse is the mark of an asshole who wants to punish promiscuous women, not a viable political worldview*.

* Except, you know, for how the Republican party has made “asshole who hates women” into the most viable political worldview in the country. But you know what I mean.

There is a meaningful distinction between ‘not helping a person out in the wide and dangerous world’ and ‘killing that person.’

I agree that being indifferent to child health care (unless it’s your own family) is pretty odious, but on the other hand that was the default state of most civilizations for most of history.

*again, for purposes of argument I am here equating abortion with infanticide, which I do not personally believe

But they do not even want birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
And I wager the percentage of these so called “pro life” people who have sex merely to procreate is vanishingly small.

And frankly those people are weird as fuck.

I think you need to remember that not all Christians dance to the same music. Many don’t have any problem with legal abortions. Christians is a big name for a lot of different ideas.

But many of your Catholics, Evangelicals and born agains would find abortion as a make or break issue. I have a Catholic and Evangelical brother. But many of your Catholics are also socially aware and are friends of the immigrants, at least in my part of the world.

I wonder what a poll (an accurate poll) would say about the need for birth control. I think the numbers in favor would be pretty high, which is why removing it from insurance coverage is insane.

A quick google check puts the number favoring birth control at 60-75%. Lower than I would have thought. Maybe there are more Mormons and old Catholics out there than I believe. :)

Considering that Catholics and Evangelicals make up something like half of the voting-age population of the US, I feel pretty justified in my fear of their voting habits.

Though, as I’ve amended previously, the real problem in America lies with white religious folk:

They sit in their white churches in their white neighborhoods with their white friends and fear everything going on everywhere else. Trump has them dead to rights with his rhetoric.

Is that true? Of course it is or you wouldn’t have said it but that seems crazy. Of course I think Catholics and Evangelicals are crazy. But 50%?

I know in California the black churches came out strong against the gay marriage proposition.

That’s mighty white of you. Well, you know how ethnic groups love to stay together. But let’s not generalize.

Might be as far down as 46% now.

I didn’t doubt you, I said that. :)

I felt the need to be precise!