So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Yeah. Not even sure how I feel any longer, except angry and despondent. I never thought it would get this bad, and the sad thing is, it’s only going to get worse.

Aw, fuck me.

Not really sure how end times equates to anyone winning. I mean, what is the explanation for this? Do they think that things will all end in a flash and we won’t really know about it anyway so whatever?

Don’t (some) Christians believe that the end times will basically bring their version of paradise?

If it’s the end times, it means Jesus is here to save his followers. They finally get to go to heaven.

Sounds like he’s a pre-tribulation dispensationalist. That is, expects the Rapture to happen before the tribulation when shit gets really bad.

Oh, yes. Heaven. I forgot.

Yeah, my understanding is that massively bad shit shall happen first.

Like Trump getting elected president?

Even worse, if you can believe that. Read Revelations if you haven’t already. It’s the best part of the bible.

More like the anti-christ shows up, the true believers are taken away to paradise, those who are left behind, entire series on this, go through the bad shit but they might still get a chance to be saved.Sadly enough, some Christians want the end times to come, and it’s the weirdest thing, like I’m so unhappy and I hate the world or my life so I want Jesus to show up to mark the end of everything we know. And course there is a new prophet constantly telling us the end of the world is this year!

Here’s thing about the anti-Christ though… everyone is supposed to like him, like be blinded by his charm or words. Plenty of people despise Trump so good news, he’s not the anit-christ.

Jackasses like this Uber driver have always been around, but now we get to hear about him and his flippant, half-assed opinions thanks to Twitter and forums. You used to have to wander down to the diner on Sunday afternoons to be treated to all of this horseshit. Now you read about it on the toilet.

I hope this sounds as inspirational and hopeful as I’m intending. :D

Seriously, though, I wish that every time someone used Twitter to complain about idiocy, they also posted one quote or story about someone who is working their ass off to improve the world. There are many, many such people.

You had a couple of typos in that, Dave.

The thing is… if you’re willing to support the Anti-Christ, you aren’t one of the people getting Raptured.

Enjoy your literal Hell on Earth. If you try hard enough you might get into Heaven, but none of these people are on that list or will be. They’ll gladly serve the Beast. They all think they can bullshit God with some sort of legalize or something. They’ll talk their way out of it and get into Paradise.

I’ve long said a variation on the old saying:
“The best trick the Devil actually pulled is that you can bullshit God and win.”

Well, if the end times do come, I hope there’s enough time before it all goes down for me to repent, take the Shahada, etc. I want to make sure I got all my bases covered.

It’s been a while but I’m pretty sure that the Anti-Christ’s followers don’t know or believe that he is the Anti-Christ. That sounds just like Trump supporters.

“The reason she does that is because her job is contingent upon her being a serial congenital liar in defense of Donald Trump’s latest outrages,” Wilson said on CNN. “I mean, she probably has some tiny, shriveled husk left in her soul where she realizes this is the wrong thing to do. But she does it anyway because otherwise they’ll replace her.”

Doubt it.

This millennialist stuff is so tiresome. ‘When will the world end?’ has been asked and answered by stellar spectography, chemistry, etc. It’s better understood than what the weather will be next week.

Oh well. I’m assuming these folks aren’t going to be persuaded by a Carl Sagan video, or anything. I’ll post it anyway! Because I love Carl Sagan. Have I mentioned that I love Carl Sagan?

Jesus isn’t gonna let them in when he finds out they voted for a pedophile.