So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

“Unconquered Seminole Tribe”? So he’s part Native American?

[Narrator voice] He’s not.

Oh, the Unconquered Seminole Tribe is a different group. Him and maybe a buddy or two.

Mug shot:

Hair by Sharpie

Is that some form of Incel club name?

I don’t know, he kind of reminds me of the new look Chief Osceola from FSU

Another unexpected defense I’m seeing a lot of is “Why isn’t anyone talking about the violent rhetoric on the left? They brought this on themselves/They has it coming.”

A friend of mine posted something about the Republicans Orwellian doublespeak on health care and here was one of the responses:

Good times.

He’s right. It’s very clear who the real Orwellians are.

Screw them. That whole “guilty until proven innocent” thing? Has this guy ignored all the right-wing conspiracy stories that get continual traction? Ask him what Soros has been proven guilty of? Yet Soros continually gets blamed for all kinds of crazy conspiracies. Conspiracies little removed from the lizard people from Arcturus impersonating humans. That’s how batshit crazy the stuff is.

And in a Democracy, what is wrong with a Socialist party, not that Clinton and Holder belong to anything labeled as such. Might as well label the Republicans as the Oligarchy or Fascist party.

That’s a friend who deserves to be an ex-friend if he can’t at least be willing to talk.

I particularly love the irony of calling out antifa’s fascist thuggery.

My friend, who this nut was responding to is a semi-public figure on the local level (an author, lecturer, environmental educator) so he likely has ‘friends’ who are not actually friends. (Or it’s New Hampshire and we all have a wing nut or two in our lives.)

My response was:

“Good God Xxxxx. Your rhetoric is exactly the kind of unhinged craziness that provoked the guy they arrested for mailing pipe bombs today. You’re targeting exactly the same people he did. Evidence that Trump’s scapegoating and demonizing of political opponents is effective. Scary stuff man”

But the reason I mention it here is that I’ve been seeing eerily similar rants on Twitter all day. Now that they know he’s one of them, it’s like they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and they all really wanted those cookies. They secretly (or not so secretly) approve of what this guy was doing so instead of condemning it they’re trying to justify it. Which, yeah, scary. We all know from the kids in cages and the laughing while Trump mocks victims of sexual assault or applauds beating up reporters, or their chants of lock her up, that a sizeable portion of the right is fully on board with Fascism but when the issue at hand is justifying bombing political opposition, when run of the mill followers are echoing this nuts world view, it becomes clear exactly how effective Trump’s rhetoric has been. This guy wasn’t the lone nut they’re going to make him out to be - He’s representative of the general mindset.

They wish they could do it themselves, they’re just too afraid of getting caught. They’re plenty happy to let someone else do it for them.

I uses what’s kind of shaking me of late is that the mask is almost all the way off at this point. They don’t have to pretend or hide it anymore.

And all it took was 13 mailbombs to convince them.

And a mass shooting today.

And he’s out, as expected.