So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

With a platinum parachute, no doubt.*

*unless there’s a clause in the contract stating that he can’t damage the company image by making idiotic statements on social media.

Pretty much.

Campbell and Johnston had discussed his leaving over the summer, the company said on Saturday. Johnston was scheduled to leave in November, but the tweet sped up his exit.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Just close the fucking thing already, it’s done.

All day long i’m wracking my brain for a solution.

Here’s my cathartic fantasy: give them what they want.

Look, we can’t save the whole thing, so save most of the whole thing.

Give the South their independence. Well… give them what they think will be their independence.

Let South Carolina to Louisiana be “downgraded” to a US Self-Governing Territory. Maybe toss in Oklahoma and Kentucky in there if we’re generous. Tell them they won’t have to pay taxes. They won’t have to follow the Constitution. They can pass laws making Bible study in Schools mandatory. They can ban abortion. They can create a state religion. They don’t have to pay any Federal Taxes ever again. They can be the racist assholes they’ve for so long wanted to be. Hurray!

Not only that, but they’ll get one Representative per state in the House. No Senate representation of course. The US will still guarantee their territorial integrity - if Mexico or Russia or China or, one can hope, France or Britain were to invade, the US would still defend it as sovereign territory.

They win, we lose. They South has risen again!

But there’s a catch.

The US will still honor the Social Security payments, but will immediately end all Federal Medicare/Medicaid/Education/Infrastructure payments. The “territories” can use US currency but all public finance will be on their own.

Oh, and they’re going to have to pay the US for their share of the debt (say, apportioned by population). You can figure out that amount as generously as you want.

If they refuse to pay the US their share, or only part of their share, the US will cancel all remaining Social Security payments and consider them void. If you don’t like it, take it up with the “government” you have.

While they’re gone, the rest of the US, now deprived of the heart of bassakwardness can fix all the Constitutional problems they stop. Repeal the Second, fix education, health care, environmental laws, fix the infrastructure and political climate, fix the media and the rest of the laundry list.

Be sure to build a fence around them and lock them in. If they refuse all their obligations, literally embargo them, land and sea.

It might take 20-50 years, but when they fall apart from the inside out and come back with hat in hand - probably after massive revolts, collapse of services, and tens of thousands of deaths - refuse to reincorporate them as states and govern them for the next 100 years directly as a Federal territory, let them live the Puerto Rico life they at that point more than richly deserve.

“As Americans have stopped reading the Bible, they have also lost an intuitive sense of what a “nation” is, and of what must be done to maintain it. At a time when large-scale immigration is at the forefront of U.S. politics, a biblically-rooted American nationalism — one that recognizes the nation as a diversity of tribes bound together by a common heritage and mutual loyalty — is sorely lacking from American public debate.”

Time should be ashamed that they published this garbage. That fucking book was used for centuries to justify slavery in America, and it’s not the Bifrost Bridge to morality and national coherence these wingnuts think it is.

I’d hate to be the people pictured hatemongering along next to this guy. Poor folks. Just a few true patriots being tarnished by a nut.

Michael Moore:
Unedited outtake from Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 11/9.” Filmed at a “Trump 2020” rally less then a month after Trump’s inauguration in Melbourne, Florida on February 18, 2017. Cesar Sayoc comes into view at 0:42, 1:34, 1:44 and 3:15.

The crowds at Donald Trump rallies always look exactly like I’d expect them to.

I read that as “I know that I would do a much better job as President than the other guy. And if something extremely unprecedented amd unlikely happened as a result of the Mueller investigation, so somehow the 2016 election was relitigated, and as a result I wound up with the requisite number of electoral votes to win, and somehow I was offered the position of president… sure, I’d take it!”

I don’t think she wants to run again, even though it is her heart’s desire.

“I’d like to be President” does not mean “I am considering running again in 2020”.

If Republicans say Beetlejuice three times and she somehow ends up running, she’s going to get obliterated in the primaries anyway.

Yeah, there was a time when parties would run “their guy” for President more than once after a loss, but the last few times it happened (with Nixon as a wild exception*) it didn’t go well because the guy had the loser stink on him.

*The only reason they tried again with Nixon is that Kennedy’s razor thin victory was pretty clearly the result of Daley Machine shenanigans in Chicago.

poor Adlai

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, so it’s ok

I would be totally okay with that harpy being smashed by a bus.

I’m sure Trump will throw her under one eventually.

As long as she gets to finish her cheese plate, we have to remember to be civil