So what happened to all the Wii buzz?

This is how I got mine:

Bull, the current discussion at neogaf has a hell of a lot more threads about Sony right now, than the Wii and Wii games.* Most of the chat is about Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm.

*This is mainly about threads about Wii titles, or the Wii in general. Sales threads don’t count.

I just walked in the store at Best-Buy one day and there it was. They had 4 and sold them all in 30 minutes. Since then I’ve seen them on the shelf at BB twice. My buddy got his at Toys-R-us. They are out there if you’re lucky. good luck.

I’m really liking Twilight Princess. I was sick last week and played for three days straight. (it actually won out over Crackdown while I was sick) The fitness test on Wii sports cracks me up every time.

Yesterday my buddies and I played Tanks on Wii play all day. For my money thats the best game on Wii so far.

Motorstorm is obviously the game of the day at GAF, but you can certainly read about recent Wii releases at GAF, actual threads about gameplay and stuff. Virtual Console, same thing.

GAF always has a Sony tilt. There are a lot of fanboys over there with bitter tears looking for any tissue they can find.

On a midly related note… Nintendo DS units are showing up again. I saw a bunch at Toys R Us today and they weren’t all pink!

Just for reference…on the main page of GAF just now…
Bomberman Land Wii
Fire Emblem Appreciation

Super GnG/Sword of Vermillion on VC

Elebits needs more exposure

Ultimate Awesome Wii Virtual Console Discussion (a long running awesome thread I’ve posted in a lot)

Zelda needs work

Splinter Cell DA for Wii

One Piece Unlimited Adventure Wii

SSX Blur Hype Thread (Official thread…)

Nintendo not preventing online


You get the picture. All that stuff has posts since 3:30PM today (these threads have posts two hours old or less). If you don’t visit GAF regularly (say once every 12 hours), you’ve probably got at least fifty Wii threads to look at. It’s nothing like Qt3.

Haven’t seen a Wii for sale, but I’m also not looking that hard. It would have been a cool Christmas gift, but at this point, I’m willing to wait for more and better games. I’m wary of a repeat of the GC situation.

I had a chance to get a Wii, but ended up with a 360 in early January.
My rule of console purchases is that it must have at least five games I want to
play, and it doesn’t hurt to have some near releases that look promising.

Still waiting for the number to go above 2 :/

ok, that looks kind of like pilot wings. I loved that series!

Wii still sees a lot of action around here. Excite Truck, out for two weeks over here, is a lot of fun.

Wii’s are also still hard to find here in the Netherlands.

We do need more games though :) But that’s mostly because we enjoy playing with it so much.

I’m surprised it’s taken people so long to work the cognitive dissonance out of their system.

Oh, I played that tech demo at E3. It was really fun. I thought you meant there was an announced title.

Hey, look, it’s Doug “I an the anti-Dave Long!” Erickson trawling a Nintendo thread! :)

There’s no Wii buzz right now because there are no new Wii games. There’d be no 360 buzz if it weren’t for Crackdown and no PS3 buzz if it weren’t for…umm…hmm, I guess there is no PS3 buzz.


No troll, senor. I just don’t get the Wii. It clearly wasn’t made for me – or anyone who doesn’t have some sort of deep-seated axe to grind with PlayStation-era game design, it seems.

Here is an Los Angeles Times article out just this week on how people are using Wii to lose weight.

In my house we still play Wii Sports and Warioware a couple of times a week. Excitetruck is another one. I was pretty excited about SSX until the reviews came out, now I’m going to wait and buy it used. Yeah, no new games=no QT3 buzz.

If you want buzz follow Dave’s suggestion, spend an hour or two at GAF and you’ll find buzz about any and every game on all three consoles.

Playing Twilight Princess. Humongous thumb’s up, but I guess that isn’t news.

At my current gaming time allotment, it’ll take me a month to finish.

Oh, and we like playing Wii Sports together.

Other than that, board games. Got Rheinlander (Knizia game) the other day for a super bargain of $8, and the kids loved it.

Absolutely. If it isn’t the new or doesn’t fill you with nostalgia, it probably won’t get a thread here.

I still love my Wii. It’s just hard to get all the gaming time in with it that I want since I have all the consoles, a PC, and DS. But perceptions are still high from what I see. My friends and I play Wii Tennis everyday and have built up a slightly unhealthy rivalry. I wouldn’t worry about enthusiasm dying down.

We finally got one a couple weeks ago. Playing Twilight Princess, which is superb. When company is over, we’ve been playing Raving Rabbids, which is again great fun. I’m absolutely delighted with the console so far.

As it’s been pointed out already, there is no Wii buzz, because there are no Wii’s to buzz over.
Not that these forums are predominantly PC gamers.
I’m reminded of that TV commercial where the little boy is given a rain check, instead of the new toy he’d been craving, and then spends the remainder of the commercial playing with a piece of cardboard with the words rain check printed on it.
“I love you rain check, you’re my best friend.”.

Let’s hype the crap out of a sytem, then not deliver enough to market.(Wii)
Or,even better, deliver some, and then no good games to drive sales for it.(PS3)