So what happened to all the Wii buzz?

Actually, there’s no PS3 buzz here, because fighting games aren’t that popular among this populace, if they were, there’d be a lot of discussion over VF5 and Dark Resurrection.

Indeed, the PS3 has some notable games now.


I finally played the Wii the other night. I can remember reading the “smashed TV” stories, then reading the counter “you don’t have to swing the controller that hard to make it work” and thinking “When I play, I will keep that in mind”.

Four hours later. Chairs and couch moved. Scratch on wall behind me. Swinging really, really hard at TV during basic tennis game.

That was the first time I played, and I only played the sports game. I had an absolute blast playing with a few friends, so the novelty of it is still ringing for me.

I got rehooked on Oblivion and haven’t fired up the Wii in awhile. Then last week I almost finished Marvel Ultimate Alliance (must… finish… game…) and we had an out of town friend in and got her hooked on Wii tennis.

It’s now a rite of passage in our house, that anyone who visits must play a game of Wii tennis and Wii bowling.

Other than that, there’s nothing much to buy, and I’ve been traveling, so playing my DS.


Wait, maybe I don’t understand what troll means. Cause that sounds at least a little inflammatory.

Rented Wario Ware last night, and it really is the best warioware to date (I played all of them except the twisted one, since it never got released in the EU).

The animations and graphics are amazingly good and crisp (and purposelly bad at certain places), and I really like the “intro’s” of all the moves, that are read with a dull, slow voice.

I’d be fucking buzzing if Super Swing Golf was released in the EU. Instead I play Wii Sports Golf and Bowling while my regionlocked US version of Super Swing Golf lies mockingly on top of my tv…
Bought Raving Rapids because it seemed fun and casual for me and the 6 year old. But it seems that I need to do all the work and unlock the games, that she can play… and apparently I suck at these sort of games, so it’s becoming a workout chore.
Still can’t get pass the boring village in Zelda, so I get where Doug is coming from. But I’m trying hard and really enjoy that I can play with my kid - probably wouldn’t if Nintendo hadn’t given me the console, though.

Interestingly enough, I’ve been spot on regarding casual gamers (speaking purely from personal anecdotes). Everybody I’ve introduced to the Wii absolutely loved it, some even talked about buying one - only one did and he’s a EIC of a big mag and could impulse buy a Porsche, so he doesn’t really count. Apart from that, the only Wii owners I’ve encountered has been gamers. It might be the cheapest and most family friendly of the three, but the price point is still too high for most casual gamers/famillies.
(and no, it’s not because it’s hard to find - it’s back on shelves here and only sold out in inner city EB’s and the like).

Still not seen a Wii on the shelves here, no great loss as the move has emptied my bank account, but I still want to pick one up sooner rather than later.

Had a Wii for a little less than a month now and the kids have stopped playing it. More interested in playing stuff on the 360 and Supreme Commander on the pc at the moment. The most played game was Wii sports. Once you got out side of stuff that had natural movements, the kids didn’t really get what you were suppose to do. Zelda was particularly frustrating for them.

I’ve been talking about those games but the threads have been very lonely…

The Wii needs two things to get some buzz back:

  1. new games

  2. consoles you can purchase

It’s doing fine. It’s just the winter lull we’re experiencing.

But everyone shouldn’t let that stop them from sounding the death knell for the Wii, just like they did for the DS. That went well.

wii is d0MED!

I just got a Wii last week…from the Real Canadian Superstore, of all places. (It’s a grocery chain store morphing to be a Walmart.) They got 12 in the morning, and I picked up the very last one at 2:30pm. So you just gotta skip work to get one, still.

Otherwise, I don’t have anything to add that other people haven’t already said. Wii Sports is fun blah blah, arms sore because of Wii Boxing blah blah, I spent more time browsing the weather & the news than playing blah blah, and THEN someone pointed me to and I’m now playing dice wars all the time blah blah. Blah.

Your enthusiasm is intoxicating.

I wonder if Zelda on the Wii is a good game.

Feels like the same post-launch lull the DS went through. Things will pick up about 8-10 months after launch.

Which is kind of what was predicted. That the Wii would launch, the Nintendo horde would jump on it, some segment of new gamers would try it and ejoy it, and once the first wave of launch games was out there’d be a lull while devs (some who held back a little to see if the console took off, and some who’d just need to learn how to design for the controller) worked out the “real” games, not just ports with Wii-controls slapped on or gussied up tech demos (as entertaining as it is with friends, and as big a testament to the strength of simplicity as it is, Wii Sports is just a gussied up tech demo).

A lack of buzz because the people that have a Wii and games have gotten over telling everyone how much they love it and gotten on to just playing and enjoying it coupled with a lack of buzz because people still can’t get a console (because they’re lazy and/or unlucky, to hear some describe it) is no more a reason to claim the Wii is d0med than it is a reason to leap in and frantically defend the Wii by bashing people who haven’t gotten one yet.

It turned out to be more fun for me to hunt down the wii than to actually play it, for now. Also, I think the wii is turning out to be more of a weird multipurpose set-top box than a pure game machine: Wii games for when people are visiting, Gamecube games when I’m playing alone, News+Weather channel when it’s not 6pm or 11pm, Internet Channel for streaming media (I’m waiting for a general shoutcast solution, more stations than It’s too bad I don’t have a crowd of people to play with me anymore. (>5 years ago, my house was the ‘bomberman’ house…)

Thanks for mentioning wiihear. It seems like a great idea, though I can’t get any stations right now. PHP errors it looks like.

That first paragraph would get you banned from GAF. Just sayin’.


Because I misspelled enjoy?

Good thing I don’t give a flying crap about GAF, I guess. But hey, thanks for sharing.