
In Texas we have Coke machines, not soda machines. Even if you are buying a Pepsi, its from a Coke machine. Personally I prefer Dr. Peppers on the rare occasions I buy from the machines. A root beer or a Coke would be second choices, and I’d have to be dying of thirst to drink a Pepsi or a Mountain Dew.

Water, Tea, Coffee, Wine, and Beer are my beverages.

I drink Diet Coke all the time, virtually every day, and i hate it. I would drink Dr. Pepper instead were it not for the sugar content. Diet Dr. Pepper tastes much too “diet sweet” for my palate.

Objectively it’s truly awful; try it flat and warm. The problem is that there is something mightily addicting in it that keeps me coming back, and it doesn’t have a oversweet saccharin flavors of virtually every other diet drink out there.

I used to really like those Diet Green Teas from … er. Maybe Lipton? One particular brand was better than the others. But it has an… unusual aftertaste that seems to build up the more you have.

My true love is a good iced tea locally from a restaurant at lunch - but ice tea brewing is a lost art and batches can be good or bad, seemingly randomly, from virtually any establishment, low or high end.

I tried Diet Doctor Pepper a few years ago and came away with a distinct loamy impression. The soda literally tasted the way that potting soil smells. Maybe they’ve changed up their recipe since them, but I haven’t really bothered trying.

I voted Diet Coke, but I prefer Cherry Coke Zero as my default carbonated caffeinated beverage of choice. Hansen’s Diet Soda for those times I just want flavored bubbles.

Although a good ginger beer or ale is a worthwhile indulgence, particularly with spicy food - damn the calories!

Bread taste (rye bread to be exact) is dominant. Some say kali/kvass is children’s beer (very low alco content and is sweet but not as sweet as coca-cola) or just liquid bread. Doesnt sound tasty? Yeah, its probably an acquired taste.

Meh, if you only moved to Boston for college then you’re probably not rubbing elbows with the same class of people that you grew up with in the south. There’s plenty of embarrassingly trashy, drunken-screaming-on-the front-porch, too-many-kid-having, pulling-a-knife-on-your-cousin-over-five dollars-worth-of-cocaine folks from the neighborhoods. Though you are right about the lack of cars on cinder blocks.

Also, Fanta.

Diet anything is blasphemous to me. (I don’t believe I’ve even tried a CCZ but am against it in principle.)

Coke a big #1 though I will submit to a Pepsi if that is all they have in the fictional vending machine.

Probably go to Dr. Pepper next.

But when eating out with adults who don’t drink alcohol (big southern bible-thumping family) I do enjoy me some sweet iced tea. Mmm MM!

Disagree. I used to drink Diet Coke all the time, for years, but when Coke Zero came out I made the switch, and after that DC tasted so bad to me in contrast that I found I liked DP more too.

Not a huge pop guy, but I love all non-pink cream sodas. I think Stewarts is the best I’ve had, but I’m sure there are lots of good ones.

Oh, actually, there’s this brand they make in Northern Ontario whose name I forget. They use real cane sugar and it’s in all the vending machines up there. That stuff ruled.

Hines rootbeer is the shit!!!

Dads rootbeer as well.

Diet rootbeers are one of the very few drinks that taste almost completely non-diet to me.

Cherry Coke or Cherry Pepsi.

I’m a true believer in Red Bull Cola.

So is everyone else I’ve introduced it to.

I love (clear) birch beer. It’s kinda hard to find these days.

Hines or Hires? Hires was one of my old favorites, but I haven’t seen it in years.

Same with Dad’s, although that was only ever available through Costco here.

Dad’s is great. Tastes like the home made stuff I’ve had. And it’s like the cheapest non-store brand out there.

I’m normally a Dr. Pepper man. I drink enough of the stuff I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up on an episode of Intervention some day. But I do dabble in the fancy sodas. Anything that still comes in a glass bottle automatically gets a bump in my interest. I really like Thomas Kemper Ginger Ale, for example, but I’m always experimenting with different boutique brands.

For those that like their ginger ale, get thee some of Blenheim’s spicy ginger ale.

I think I may have just kicked my hardcore diet soda habit in favor of seltzer with “lemo and limo” as I called it in a tongue-tangled moment. I had been using Soda Club’s flavors and while I liked quite a few of them, especially the immitation Fresca, I got lazy about re-ordering and stuck with the seltzer. Now I’ve realized I don’t miss it, and that it would be too sweet for me even if I had it. In the grips of my addiction, I wouldn’t have thought this was possible.

Whenever I find a restaraunt with Mr. Pibb I always go for that. I’m a huge Coke fan (Southern boy) and Mr. Pibb is probably my favorite Coke product. It seems Mr. Pibb has been replaced by Pibb Xtra* in recent years, but that’s fine by me because whatever a pibb is, having extra of them seems to have improved the product even more (as if that was possible!).

Bonus : Mr. Pibb was featured in a video game in the late 90’s that had the player trying to escape from zombies by drinking Pibb and burping at them. How can a soda with connections to video games and zombies not be the most awesome? It’s unpossible!

    • Pibb Xtra is, in fact, Mr. Pibb with added flavors, including cinnamon.

We usually rotate between diet root beer (A&W) and Diet Dr. Pepper. Both rather non-diet-tasting.