Soft drink of choice

These days, if I end up with a soft drink, it’s root beer, but that’s not very often.

The wife went to the store the other day. Now I have eight sixpacks of diet coke. This is good.

This is the way.

Only eight? And sixpacks? That would barely make it to my ball sack!

Damn fine mangoes. They’re the yellow Indian ones, soft and juicy. I go at 'em like I’m Uncle Junior.

With all the Diet Coke you apparently drink, I’m guessing you’ll be getting there before me. :-p

Polar flavored seltzer, who was making flavored seltzers before it was cool.

From the mountain springs of the municipal tap water of Worcester Mass.

I’ve never been a huge fan of booze or even wine or beer, and never developed a taste for coffee. So my drug of choice is Mountain Dew. Specifically the cane sugar versions the good people of PepsiCo sometimes release. It used to be called Mountain Dew Throwback and then was rebranded as Mountain Dew Real Sugar. I could drink that stuff by the liter. Though recently the years of hard living and hard loving have caught up to me. My doctor strongly recommended that I drink no more than one 20 oz or two (2) 12 oz cans a day. So I have been introducing diet colas and Zero Sugar Mtn Dew™ into my diet. It’s not ideal, but she pointed out to me that if I keep the glucose in my bloodstream below a certain amount, I can keep the diabeetus at bay. Catching the diabeetus would be awful, for that would mean that I could not drink any sugary pop, which means I may as well move on to heroin and waddling with the bulls in Pamplona.

Dew, Diet on the Rocks.

I recently discovered Diet Dr. Pepper and it really is the gold amid the dross of diet drinks.

I picked Coke, but I really miss Jolt. I prefer Pepsi, honestly, but it no longer agrees with my digestive system.

The only time I drink soft drinks any more is as a mixer. Ginger beer goes well with many things.

Hot tea in winter, iced tea in summer.

For the soda jones, though, Squirt is pretty delightful. I’m kinda surprised that a grapefruit soda has any market traction, but it’s been chugging along since the '30s.

When I can find it, Jones Soda orange cream or Jones Green Apple is just sublime in the summer. Plus: caffeine.

Diet soda omnivore reporting in. Diet Mountain Dew probably gets the plurality of my pop money. I also drink a few cups of coffee a day. I hope I live a long time without a bunch of future health problems.

I’m the weirdo that likes coffee flavored Coke, specifically the dark blend.

But that’s just a gimmick that won’t be around long.

My preferred “normal” soft drink is Coke just based on flavor, but I’m not picky, Pepsi is fine too. Or pretty much any other cola, root beer, ginger ale, cream soda, Dr. Pepper, or Sprite/7up, etc. I’ll always try a fancy boutique brand soda if available, but I haven’t had any of them regularly enough to develop a strong preference.

For a few years I was completely off caffeine, Fanta (any flavor), ginger ale (Canada Dry if I have the choice) and Sprite were my go-to choices. I still try to avoid most caffeine; it would be unusual to have more than one caffeinated drink in a week for me, so if I’m getting fast food and those Coke Freestyle machines are available I’ll get Barq’s Cream Soda. So Coke remains my favorite, but that doesn’t translate directly to what I drink most often.

I don’t care for Mountain Dew or Mello Yello. I don’t like the taste of any diet soda I’ve ever tried. They seem objectively bad, though not repulsively so. If just absolutely needed caffeine to get me through a long drive or something, and a Diet Coke was all that was available, sure, I’d drink it. But arrogantly, I truly have a hard time believing anyone likes diet soft drinks; I’m convinced they’re just addicted to the caffeine and end up in a soft drink Stockholm syndrome. It’s a topic I avoid with my wife.

Actually we also don’t see eye to eye on the Coke/Pepsi thing either. As I said I prefer Coke, but whatever. She hates Pepsi and will avoid restaurants based on which they serve, which seems crazy to me.

That’s probably a weird double standard that I find such a difference between regular and diet drinks, but don’t see the big deal between Coke and Pepsi.


You really just have to get used to it. Once you’re used to it, the regular version is the one that tastes weird.

First off, @RichVR you fucked up your poll. For one, you left off Coke Zero which is not Diet Coke. You animal.

Second of all, I couldn’t even pick the Shit Bonerz option because you combined it with the fancy lads who are too good to drink plebian soda.

Me and the wife are embarrassed to admit we actually like it. A lot.


Barqs, Hires, A&W, Virgils, if it’s root beer, I’m drinking it.

Speaking of root beer, you really need to try this one:

Love root beers of all sorts, but my real preference is: